December 22, 2008 I got to fulfil one of my life long dreams, I boarded a plane and flew to Walt Disney world. Okay, so its not the most daring dream to have, but it was based on my first love, the wonderful world of Disney. Before stepping foot on the hallowed grounds, I was told how magical the magic kingdom was. I had no problem believing the hype, since I had already long ago fallen deeply into the enchanted spell that Disney casts.
I was awe struck the moment my family and I crashed through the gates, of course after the purse inspection “We're looking for mousetraps sir.” The security guard told my husband, it seems that everyone at Disney has a bit of a silly streak. Four days at Disney, sparked my inner child, which as of late has been far more of an outie than an inny, and brought to life for me the idea that humans were designed to be happy not miserable. One year later the magic of Disney had infused into my very being, making my life seem magical, as though anything is possible.
The wonderful world of Disney has captured my imagination since as far back as I can remember. I, at the tender age of 35 still excitedly anticipate the opening of every Disney Animated Feature with the zeal of a five year old girl. I wait, with bated breath, for the pearls of wisdom that I have lived my life by. Disney is not just a multi-billion dollar franchise for me, its a way of life, a Tao, if you will.
If I were to be completely honest with myself, I would have to say that the wonderful world of Disney lives within the greatest parts of who I am. The parts that I am most proud of, are the parts that are filled to the brim with idea's and dreams of a Mickey Mouse world where we live a peaceful existence, and if there should be a conflict, let it at least be humourous. Yes folks, I aspire to have the heart of a Mouse.
New Years Resolutions
January of 2009 I made a new year resolution that I was going to be happy, no matter what my circumstances, I was going to find the bright side of things. This was the only New Year Resolution that I have ever kept. I made some difficult decisions, lost and had the most pitiful year for my business I have ever had since opening up my photo studio. My leg was mysteriously injured making walking, climbing stairs and almost all forms of exercises difficult, and painful, yet I still remained happy as could be as I joyfully held to my promise.
January 1, 2010, when most people were thinking about giving something up, my mind went to missing Walt Disney World and longing for the faith, trust and pixy dust of the Magic Kingdom. My mind began to wander about what to give up or to add to my life, when inspiration hit. “What if I tried to live Disney? What if I watched every Disney Animated Feature, and tried to live according to the lessons from that film?” I laughed, thinking about some of the absurd things that happen in Disney films, the idea was just crazy enough to, not only be insightful, but a whole lot of fun.
Lets Break it Down
It was decided, I was going to live Disney but where do I start? What would be the parameters? I found a list of the Disney Animated Features there were 49 in all, with the 50th coming to theatres in November of 2010. I had fifty movies to work with. The first step was to watch every movie, evaluate it for its lesson, then create a challenge for me to do based on each film and decipher how I would live Disney for 50 weeks.
I decided that there should be a base for how I behave, throughout the entire process, I should take the basic undercurrent for all Disney heroes and heroines and try to emulate them. 49 animated features later I have come to see that there are a few attributes that make up the basic Disney Hero/Heroine: they are Happy, Kind, Compassionate, Brave, Silly, and Playfully Mischievous. Whenever a hero or heroine feels sad or angry or afraid or happy, especially happy, they sing. So I will be a singing, happy, kind, compassionate, brave, silly, playfully mischievous, person and hopefully, I will survive this experiment without getting mauled or maimed.
This blog and Facebook will be my way to inform the unsuspecting public of my actions by posting the Disney Animated film name and the name of the Challenge, I will also prepare a meal or some type of food based on each film. I will write about my experiences, perhaps also photograph myself living Disney. This is a social experiment, looking through the eyes of Disney Animated Films, I hope to answer for myself the question can someone live according to Disney and will it bring them joy?
The Scenery
Let me paint the scenery of where I intend to do this social experiment. St Thomas Ontario is known for three things, a rather large mental hospital, trains and for being the place where Jumbo the Elephant of PT Barnum Circus met his untimely end by way of one of those famous trains. Yes, Jumbo the Elephant the same Jumbo that inspired the story Dumbo the elephant.
I chose to live in St Thomas, and as the locals often ask. Why? I think if I were to be candidly honest without sounding like I should visit that rather large mental hospital, I think I chose St Thomas because of its quaint houses and the little hills and trees that pepper the town and the great big elephant butt that greets all who come into the main street.
Yes I am aware
Many people have reminded me that Walt Disney was not perfect and that there are issues within the company, this is not about the reality of Walt Disney, the man with all his human traits. Walt Disney may have had his fair share of skeletons in his closet, we can not deny that everyone has a darker side, and of course, Walt is no different. The point of this exercise is to live up to the Disney ideals put forth in the animated films.
Disney Tenets to Live By
Educate yourself
Use your brain over brawn
Be Kind, Grateful, Forgiving, Joyful, Compassionate, Charitable
Be Respectful of Nature
Have faith that nothing is impossible
Dream big
Be curious,
Use your imagination.
Don't be afraid to be Playfully, Mischievous and Silly
Above all Love Life
My hypothesis is that this experiment will bring happiness to myself and others around me. There will be people who will absolutely hate what I am doing, those that will not understand it, and still those who will think that I am just plane crazy. I hope to inspire happiness in others the way that a mouse inspired me.