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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brother Bear

What's The Story:
A young Inuit hunter seeks vengeance against a bear, only to be magically changed into a bear by his brother. His only chance to change back is by travelling with a bear cub to the salmon run, where his brother's magical light touches the mountain.

Memorable Quote:

Tanana: Kenai, love is the most precious of totems. It reveals itself in unexpected ways.

things become less scary when you begin to understand them
you shouldn't care what people think about your gifts
love is powerful
sometimes friendships can blossom out of tragedy

Main Challenges:
make and give out totems
talk about the most interesting thing that happened to them this year while passing a fish

Kenai: Playful, impetuous, foolish, vengeful, feels justified in his actions, selfish learns: to have fun agian, Patience, love understanding, compassion, honour, unselfish,


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rescue Me!

This week the most daring thing I think I did was to go through the holidays. This was also a landmark week for my project as I didn't dress up and walk around town since I have found that there are only so many hours in a day and when you are working full time hours that take up most of the day and night while attempting to buy Christmas presents, I felt bad, guilty and was quite upset that I couldn't find enough hours in a day.

I am left wondering, what would Disney do? Well, I know that the first opening of Disneyland was a nightmare, things were not completed but the show must go on. The problem is, I have no costume to wear, I mean how many ways can I wear mouse ears? This week was supposed to be all about rescuing and being brave but it turned into a week of rushing around trying to get my shopping done, since unlike most years, I didn't have time to shop until this week.

Most of my days have been spent at work, and trying to sneak in as much family time as I could since I am working nights. I did help someone by giving them one of my shifts at work, but other than that this week has left a lot to be desired. I am not coming apart at the seams however, I did feel like I was losing sight of my objective, to live by the tenants of Disney.

So here is the refresher, I am to Educate myself, Use my brain over brawn, Be Kind, Grateful, Forgiving, Joyful, Compassionate, Charitable, Respectful of nature. Have faith that nothing is impossible, Dream big, Be curious, Use my imagination. Sing whenever I am happy, sad, scared, angry or when I have almost any sort of feelings. Don't be afraid to be Playful, Mischievous and Silly, Above all: Love Life.

Looking back at this past week and these past 44 weeks I have accomplished all these things and more, I have been braver than ever, helped strangers discover their joyful side, I have used my imagination, some may even say that I have overused it. I have educated myself with many forms of entertainment, been a magician's assistant, walked the streets with my midriff exposed (terrifying) and above all, I have discovered exactly how to love life with arms wide open.

I leave you with the photo I have this week, me sitting under the Christmas tree wearing my present, which will be seen often throughout these winter months. Merry Christmas to all my fans and let me remind you, that you are never too small or too insignificant to make a difference in the world. Think of what impact a little mouse with a high pitched voice had on the world.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Rescuers

What's The Story: A handy mouse, and a female mouse agent of the rescue aide society go to find an orphan in trouble. The kidnappers force Penny to go down a hole to get the devils eye diamond.

Memorable Quote:
Rufus the Cat: Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.
Penny: Can't touch it or buy it, or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same making things turn out right. But whoever adopts me has to adopt teddy, too.

you're never too small to make a difference
Greed gets the best of you
have faith
Optimism, seeing beyond limitations, faith

Main Challenges:
Make stars and write wishes on them.
Do something daring

Friendly, helpful, optimistic,

Help someone in need

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Soul is Willing

Trying to be fun and fancy free while you are sick as a dog poses a difficult challenge, but I have learned over the years that no matter what challenge you face you should always try to do your best. It is not about being the best you would be if you were healthy or actually at your best, its the best you can be in whatever moment you are in. My best, was in bed taking care of my body. A little less fancy but wearing PJ's certainly feels free.

When I finally felt better I was able to go out and do my challenges, I slapped on a pair of Mickey ears painted a nose on my face , put on a hat, gloves, parka and a cape; it was cold after all. I stepped out my front door to realize that I am one really determined woman. Not only was I recovering from a nasty roll around with the flu but it was freezing, what was I thinking? I was thinking I only have 7 weeks left, I can't let down my fans or more importantly, myself.

What I really learned this week is that I don't have to be cheerful all the time, especially when I am ill or life has just sucker punched me in the gut. Happiness doesn't necessarily mean that I am a cheerleader for life. It means that for the most part I am hopeful, I can see the bigger picture, that this to shall pass. That no matter what is happening today, the feeling, the situation, the moment is impermanent and fleeting.

Say it with A Slap

So my challenge this week was to say it with a slap like Bongo the circus bear. Yes, this week I travelled around town slapping people. Okay, so it wasn't hard, I was gently taping them on the face but it was fun none the less. The thing is, as I was slapping away and saying “I appreciate you” I realized that those words have been stripped of modern society. I mean when was the last time you said that?

My challenge to you, whoever has honoured me with reading my little note about my weird and wild obsession with Disney is to tell the people in your life, I appreciate you, especially those who need it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fun and Fancy Free Picture

Fun and Fancy Free

What's The Story:
Bongo, a circus star bear who was not treated nicely dreams of living outside of the Circus. He hears the call of the wild and ends up in the forest with real bears, and must learn how to be a real bear and impress a girl bear. he finds the custom of bears to slap each other as a show of affection confusing, but learns to get along.

Mickey and the Beanstalk: Mickey Donald and Goofy accidentally plant a magic beanstalk which grows so high that it reaches the clouds, taking their house with it. The trio find a singing Harp and a giant who is not impressed.

Memorable Quote:

Jiminy Cricket: You know, you worry too much. In fact, everybody worries too much.

follow your nature
Use the skills you have
Don't worry too much

Main Challenges:
Say it with a slap (slap the people to let them know I like them, not hard)

try my hand at ventriloquism

Playful, friendly, creative,

Buy a news paper, turn to the world news and try to find the silver lining in each story.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh- picture

In the Moment

My first introduction to Disney, like many of my peers, was through Winnie the Pooh. He is not just a symbol of childhood and innocence, but a symbol of simplicity. Simplicity is an attribute that we so seldom embody. When we allow ourselves to just be , instead of over thinking everything we become free.

There is something about Winnie the Pooh that reminds me of the values of being present in this life. If there is any Disney character that one should try to emulate it is the ever happy Pooh bear. I have often thought about what it was that was so comforting about pooh bear, I believe its that he holds a few invaluable traits that make a bear and a person wonderful.

First of all Pooh bear is in the moment, at all times, he gives his all and no matter what he is doing he always does his best. Pooh doesn't worry about what others think of him, he doesn't seem to worry about anything at all, except maybe honey. But even when he worries about honey he doesn't complain about it, he just thinks of a solution and acts on it, even if that action is inaction.

I would love to say that I am always in the moment like Pooh bear, but I sadly like most people spend most of my days worrying about tomorrow or next week. I wonder what would my world be like if I could just let go and be. What if I lived as though there were no tomorrow, what would I do?

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

What's The Story:
The stories of Winnie the Pooh, a stuffed bear and his friends.

Memorable Quote:

Piglet: Pooh, for a bear of very little brain, you sure are a smart one.
Winnie the Pooh: Thank you, Piglet.

always be polite
no matter what happens Pooh is always accepting of things, if he doesn't like something he just takes action instead of complaining.
Make the most out of every situation
Piglet (braver than you think you are)
No matter what your size you can do something wonderful
Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good
accept people for who they are
Sometimes when you are looking for something with intent you can't find what you were looking for, sometimes the moment you stop looking for something it comes to you.
Try not to get too carried away

Main Challenges:
Take Pooh Bear around to meet your friends (have an adventure) (maybe track something)
Bounce people

Friendly, in the moment, loving, giving, joyful, playful,

Find what Robin's do best

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stronger Than You Think

Sometimes in life we are too busy believing other people's opinions about us that we do not think to challenge it. We allow others opinions based on their observations to pigeon hole us into their version of who we are, and the worst part about it is that we believe several people's opinions of us so that who we are becomes a collection of who “they” think we are and live with the limitations that “they” set out for us.

A year ago I thought that I wasn't good with people, that I couldn't relate to them. I was convinced that I was lazy, stupid, and a whole lot of other evils that the world places on “girls like me.” For many years I allowed myself to be pigeon holed into believing myself to be unworthy of a lot of the pleasures of life.

I was unworthy of money, of friends, of love, of success in any form. I was a loser. The sad thing is, the more I know people the more I realize that most people feel this way. The biggest lie we tell ourselves and other people, is that we are unworthy. Instead of standing up and saying you're wrong I am worth it, we say, your right, I am scum. Not only do we allow others to put us in our place we develop the ability to put ourselves in our “place”.

What makes Mulan so great is that she broke through the boundaries of what other people expected of her. She became a warrior, she stood up and claimed a space she didn't even know for certain that she had, until she stood in it. We all need to do this, to step out of what people say are our limitations. Forty one weeks ago, when I looked at myself what I saw was a mountain of limitations, today, my possibilities are boundless.

Imagine what would happen if you stepped outside of your comfort zone, beyond the limits of what is deemed possible for you? Are you stronger, smarter, faster, better than you think you are? There's only one way to find out. Go get em Tiger!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010


What's The Story:
A girl, Mulan, in China dresses up as a man and takes her injured father's place in the army.

Memorable Quote:

The Emperor of China: A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat

Be yourself, be true to your heart
don't think of your suffering think of something positive

Main Challenges:
Dress in drag
learn a few martial arts moves Tai Chi

Friendly, compassionate, brave, daring, creative, uses ingenuity

Use chopsticks

Friday, November 26, 2010

Discovering the Empire of the Self

Many times throughout my life I have been in search of the truth. To find the greater sense of self someone has always come around to destroy it or steal it from me. I understand Milo's drive to learn, as I am known for obsessing about a particular thing, dinosaurs, ancient games, history, Disney, just to name a few.

The need to know is something that some people have in their blood, they must know everything and with every obsessed geek there is someone on the other side telling them that their pursuits are and I quote “Stupid” or “Who cares”. If there is not some sort of money attached to a pursuit it is considered a waste. What's interesting is that someone can spend eight hours a day playing a video game and that pursuit is somehow considered more valuable then learning something for fun.

I have on many occasions been asked what's in it for me to do this Disney thing (they usually elongate the thing like its somehow the most vile thing one can do) What's in it for me? I get to broaden my horizons, challenge myself, and discover who I am and more importantly who I am not. Blink, blink. “But do you get paid?” Never mind.

Some people don't understand the importance of self discovery, they assume that it is selfish and self serving. I, however, have learned that the more I discover about myself the more I understand others. The pursuit of self or other learning is never a waste, the more we know about the world we live in the better we can traverse it. Those naysayers will always be around no matter what you pursue, the trick is to stay true to who you are and you will discover the magic of life, it is in knowing and trusting ones self that the magic begins to manifest in their lives.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

What's The Story:

A young man, Milo, goes with a motley crew to find the lost city of Atlantis only to find it endangered by their presence.

Memorable Quote:

Your grandad had a saying: "Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children." This journal is his gift to you, Milo. Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?

Lessons:follow your dreams

strength lies in intellect

somethings are more important than money

don't give up on your dreams, even when people tell you that you should

Main Challenges:Write a code in Atlantian

prank someone

Attitude:Mischievous, fun, exploration, wonder, history, compassion, intellect, friendship, honour,


Wear a crystal

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We Are What We Choose

In all of life there is always a choice. As children our choices are limited by our surroundings since the young are so vulnerable. The problem is that when we grow to become adults we tend to continue this belief that “I am limited by my surroundings” which simply isn't true. We all have a plethora of choices, where do I live, what do I do for a living, what am I going to eat for dinner.

Yes we become limited by what I call our “Want Factor” which says that what I want changes my surroundings. I want to be an anthropologist, but I have a family and can not support them on an anthropologists life style of 50-60 hours a week in remote locations. I would never see my family, I would have to move and I love my house and I would have to go to school and pay for it. The decision not to be an anthropologist is fairly simple, but it was made taking into account my priorities.

A lot of people seem to think that they have no choice. I am stuck they say, and they list a 1001 reasons why they are stuck, what they don't realize is that they are stuck by their own making. I am not stuck where I am, I have made a choice to do what I need to do in order to keep what I desire most.

Right now I am working two jobs, one I love that unfortunately can not support me year round, at least not now, and the other, a minimum wage job that, lets face it, is just a job. As with most jobs it has its pleasures and its pains. There are things I hate about it and things I love. The point is, I made a choice based on priorities and desire to work where I work, but that's not where the choice ends.

I have been going on and on about how you can be happy no matter where you are and that you should always make the most out of whatever situation you are in. Well here we are 39 weeks into living my life Disney, I have made a choice to not only work in the service industry, but to keep the teachings of Disney alive while I do so. Each moment in life is an opportunity for greatness. I could allow the fact that I “have to” work a minimum wage job defeat me, make me feel trapped, or I could just be who I am, no implications, no gloom and doom.

Fagin made some bad choices in his life, so have I, but what matters are the choices we make today. I could have sat wallowing in the choices of my past, but instead I made new choices. I choose to be the best me I can be, I hope we all can make that choice, today and everyday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oliver and Company

What's The Story:

An orphaned cat gets caught up in the dark underbelly of New York city, under the direction of Dodger and a group of other homeless thieving animals

Memorable Quote:
Francis: [to Roscoe] Isn't it rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in a single sentence?

follow the rhythm of life
some people or animals will use you
street smarts is about learning to improvise
No need to worry when you can improvise
desperate times can lead to desperate actions
be careful who you do business with

Main Challenges:

Do something for the homeless, or those in need
Pamper a pooch

Innovative, sneaky, opportunistic,

Free to a good home? Try to get adopted?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Please Remain Calm

The theme of Chicken Little is panic and assumptions. As I ran around St Thomas in a chicken costume calling out “the sky is falling!” I couldn't help but think about how often in life panic and assumptions seem to be our first reaction to unpleasant situations. When bad things happen, and sometimes merely unpleasant things, we tend to start with the panic button or at the vary least we lead with an uncomfortable feeling that things are going to get worse.

We often assume the worst. If we have bad news we tend to expect even more bad news to follow, yet with good news, we tend not to expect more good news to follow, instead we wait with bated breath for the other shoe to drop and life to turn to, well you get the idea. Its not that chicken little claimed that the sky is falling, that caused all the trouble, upon hearing bad news the town panicked.

I have spoken before about our bodies ability to sense other peoples emotions, our bodies give off scents and our olfactory senses pick up on the subtle cues, and it spreads. The person next to you will start to chemically change, they will react to your panic, often with fight or flight. Panic, chemically speaking has the potential to spread like wildfire, it can be as infectious as the common cold. One bad apple can indeed spoil a bunch.

The spread of panic, in evolutionary terms, was once a survival skill, a call to arms for our primate selves. A tiger is in the distance: panic, run, pick up a sharpened stick, stones; do something. In the good old hairy days of humanity, panic made sense, but as we live in a safer world, together, with few tigers to threaten us we have little reason to panic. Yet, panic we do.

What I find fascinating about humanity is how being devoid of any real enemies, we create them in our entertainment, our values, cultures and the stories we create about each other and the uncertain future. Aliens, it seems, are certain to be galactic enemies. When there is no tiger in the distance, who do we remain vigilant for? Sadly, each other.

I am not suggesting that there is nothing to fear in one another, but what I am suggesting is that perhaps the reason we do fear one another is because we have no other enemies. If we were attacked by aliens, I think most people agree that all of humanity would band together against a common enemy. The question is, how long does it take to evolve past having a sensitive panic button?

In the end, Chicken Little learned that he panicked for nothing, the sky wasn't falling, it was just a piece of UFO that fell on his head. The aliens we're not out to destroy the Earth, they were just visiting, hoping to score some acorns along the way. Throughout my life I have learned that nine times out of ten there is no need to panic, everything is going to be alright, and often what we panic about are things that not only can you do nothing about it, but they often work themselves out in the end.

Don't panic, please remain calm, all will be well.

I'm No Chicken

I want to leave you with a few of my antics while dressed up as a chicken.
I tried to make a complaint at the police station when I informed them that the sky was falling, they only laughed at me.

Crossed the street and yelled out, “I don't even know why I am doing this!”
I yelled out “The sky is falling!” to just about everyone I saw. I ran through town hall telling everyone, they laughed, I don't know why they didn't take the 5'8” chicken seriously.

The best little moment was when I went into a local bulk store and asked them if they had a nice marinade that I could soak in. The woman smiled and said, “I know of a good beer one... except you have to shove the beer can up the chicken's butt.” to which I tightened my buttocks and politely declined.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chicken Little

What's The Story:
After ruining his reputation with the town, a courageous chicken must come to the rescue of his fellow citizens when aliens start an invasion.

Memorable Quote:
Mr. Woolensworth: Class, turn to page 62 and translate each word in mutton. He.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: She.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: They.
Students: Baa!
Mr. Woolensworth: We.
Students: Baa!

Things aren't always as they appear
don't spread panic
there's always tomorrow to start over
be the best you, you can be and you will find something to be proud of
have faith in yourself
never underestimate someone because they are too small
Misunderstandings can lead to chaos
Don't assume things before asking questions
don't rely on the opinions of others to give you self worth

Main Challenges:
The Sky is Falling!
Play fetch

Innovative resourceful brave

sing to relax

The Great Mouse Detective Picture

Friday, November 5, 2010

Observe This

I highly doubt that anyone can be as observant as Basil of Bakers street, that being said I think that many of us have the ability to observe within a split second details of a person long before our conscience brain realizes. We know when someone is up to know good and when someone is good natured. The subtle lines on a face, the way they carry themselves, even the scent their body gives off are all indicators of what sorts of person you are dealing with.

Many years ago this sort of snap judgement call led me into trouble. When I was young, I instantly knew who had bad intentions and who did not. My instincts, which are more about my biological sense of smell and vision knew better than the logical brain that said things like “You're being silly.” or “Its rude to judge people without knowing them.” My logical brain sometimes knows squat.

Every time that I have ever ignored that little voice in my head that has observed the predator cues that a person was giving off, I regretted it. In varying degrees I have paid for not listening to the cues that scream “get out” or “stay away” or the simple “no”.

There are other instincts or miniscule observations that are not so negative, that say “go for it” or “follow that crazy idea that seems devoid of all logic and reason” The ones that lead you to lessons or people or experiences that your logical brain never would. It is through careful observations that we learn which “voices” if you will to listen to and which will end you up in a whole heap of trouble.

My hour of observations

I sat for an hour at Coffee Culture in St Thomas. A lot of people came and went I realized that there is a fine line between observing and looking creepy as you type and look at people. I found that I was able to observe things and make guesses about what sorts of people I was looking at with details such as wedding rings or hair styles. I speculated about what sort of lives they led and what conversations they were involved in.

I became aware of how unaware I usually am. I seldom notice things like rings and though I can somewhat pinpoint accents and ethnicity, I am not accurate enough to be a sleuth. I think that in order to be a better sleuth, like being a better person is to be engaged in life, in the moment. Time stops a bit when you become aware of your surroundings, it just doesn't really stop long enough for me to type my findings quick enough before people left. Oh well, C'est la vie. Disney reminds me, once again, to be present in the moment.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Great Mouse Detective

What's The Story:
Basil, the rodent version of Sherlock Holmes, investigates the kidnapping of a toy-maker and uncovers its link to his archenemy, Professor Ratigan and his evil plan to take over the monarchy.

Memorable Quote:
Basil: There's always a chance, Doctor, as long as one can think.

its good to be observant
You can always think yourself out of trouble
Genius doesn't necessarily mean good.
Be helpful

Main Challenges:
Be totally observant, write down in great detail everything I see for an hour
wear a disguise

Observant, creative, helpful, innovative, pensive

Help someone in distress

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Future Has Arrived

The future has arrived.

We are obsessed with the future, we dream of it, we worry about it, we invest far more in it than we do the present moment. Living in 2010 sometimes I give pause to the idea that this time is the time my parents dreamed about as some far flung time with unfathomable inventions. The fact that I am writing this on my tiny net book and I will post it remotely through basically the air or wirelessly in itself is amazing. I am a little disappointed that I am not clad in a groovy silver jumpsuit, because everyone knows that silver is comfy to wear.

Okay, so the future is not exactly what our parents expected, we are not in the middle of an intergalactic conflict with green tentacled men, we don't have flying cars, and we are still highly dependent of fossil fuels. As I check my email on a phone that suspiciously looks like the data pads from a certain space show I can't help but remember the words of Albert Einstein “Imagination is more important than intelligence.”

Keep Moving Forward

I love the movie Meet The Robinsons, its not just the plethora of jokes and gags, honestly, if you're an adult, this movie has the sort of jokes that are for the kid in you. I imagine the screen writers to have te he'd their way through most of it, saying things like “Wouldn't it be funny if...” Its smart, its funny and one of the most thoughtful in the Disney vault.

Its the one movie that pays the most homage to Walt Disney since his death. Taking a Walt Disney quote and surrounding a movie around it “Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney “

Right now the focus of a lot of people is “the damn economy” they are so focused on the past and worried about the future that they forget to see what is now. Yes, our economy is in a slump, people are out of work, more people are losing their jobs, yes it is a fact. But the moment you become paralysed with past failures and future worries you give up on that future that has you so worried.

Its not as though not worrying is easy to do, I worry, but I have also learned to let go of the worry. They say that the one way to know that you are on the right track is to check with your emotional barometer, if you are happy, content or can feel the content bubbling up in your soul than you are on the right track. Sometimes its hard to stifle the negative Nelly that lives within all of us, but the best course of action is to just keep moving forward. Do what is within your power and dream of a brighter future, not the one that is born of worry, that focuses on the needless shame of failure.

From failing you learn, from success not so much- Aunt Billie.

It is through failure that we learn the most about who we are, what we can accomplish and how to improve things. It is through failure and struggle that we learn the most. Often people feel shame for failing, as children upon taking our first steps and stumbling I doubt we felt shame for failing. You fell on your little diapered butt, maybe you cried, maybe you laughed but if you walked today, I'll assume you probably got up and waddled your way through life. It is the getting up that matters, and it is the staying down that is the true failure.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meet The Robinsons

What's The Story:
Lewis is a brilliant inventor who meets mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson, whisking Lewis away in a time machine and together they team up to track down Bowler Hat Guy in a showdown that ends with an unexpected twist of fate.

Memorable Quote:

Aunt Billie: From failing you learn, from success not so much

Keep moving forward
Don't blame others for your mistakes
don't focus on the negative, let go of the past
think things through

Main Challenges:
do a science fair project
make a check list

silly, eccentric, fun, intelligent, heroic, innovative

wear my clothes completely backwards
repeat everything someone says

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tell Me Lies

Pinocchio is right being bad is fun. Okay so not so bad that I would be arrested but that sort of bad, more of a mischievous bad. Lets be honest here about lying, hmmm even saying it sounds odd. We all lie, some lie for pleasure and sport, others to spare feelings and still others for noble reasons like that they are hiding Jews from the Nazis or something like that. Whatever the reason we all do it.

I must admit, I am a terrible liar. I am far too expressive to allow any of my deceptions to fool even a child. As I ventured out this week wearing my lie detecting nose and lederhosen, I enjoyed lying my fool head off. I think that it was the fact that people knew that I was going to lie to them that made the deception fun.

List of Lies:

I've recently have been cleared to interact with the public again
My sharp, lucid mind has a firm grasp on reality
The dog ate my homework
It wasn't me
I can stop eating chocolate whenever I want to.
Higher taxes help the economy.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help you
This product has a 2 year full coverage warranty
I invented that (Picked up a napkin holder)
I didn't eat that sucker (it was in my mouth as I said it)
I will personally bring jobs to St Thomas

A lot of people laughed at my lies, of course after each lie I did make a whop sound and pointed to my nose. I thought it was only fitting that I lie just as obvious as Pinocchio. I have concluded, just as Pinocchio did, that it is far better to tell the truth than to lie. Lies are just as plain as the nose on your face, and like Pinocchio's nose, they grow each time you tell it. It takes more effort to lie than it does to tell the truth.

FYI: best lie was I'm from the government and I'm here to help you, for some reason no one believed me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


What's The Story:
A wooden puppet comes to life in a quest to become a real boy. He must prove himself brave, unselfish and honest.

Memorable Quote:
Blue fairy: You see, Pinocchio, a lie keeps growing and growing until its as plain as the nose on your face.

Trying to take the easy way out gets you into trouble. Don't follow strangers. Being a jackass makes you a jackass.

Main Challenges:
Give 10 lies to random people
Do something brave, unselfish and honest

Friendly, gullible,

Give a little whistle

Friday, October 15, 2010

Follow That Wind

The trouble with listening to the colours of the wind, beyond the abstract nature of doing such is that the wind, well, it can blow off the beaten path. I have, in the past, when “lost” gone in retreat, took a walk in the woods, walked a labyrinth (we have one in St Thomas) followed the whim of birds and squirrels, and been guided to spiritually uplifting sites.

I decided to go for one such walk and allowed myself to journey down a path and wind down roads that I seldom walk when I spotted a path. St Thomas is a charming city it is home to many little gullys and walking trails that lead to some breathtaking vistas. I have wandered many of these paths, but the trouble is that a lot of them follow steep hillsides and slippery slopes.

While chasing the wind, I found a lovely vista that the local fauna beckoned me to discover. Slowly I ventured inching my way down the path, I only really intended to get a better view. I had proceeded in a safe manner or so I thought choosing to stick to the grassy area and avoiding the mud when my foot decided to find a little mud all on its own.

My foot gave way and so followed my rump which hit hard on the muddy earth, not content with its original location it decided to do a little mini slide. Fun. My hands were enveloped in the muck, my butt now the colour of a lovely rich black soil, I hobbled home giggling.

So what did the wind want me to know? Its time to get a little dirty? Sit your butt down? Or perhaps it was just that a wild ride is always just around the corner? Whatever the vague winds message what I can say about the experience is life is full of unexpected surprises and what matters most is how you treat them.

Years ago I probably would have cursed, or cried how unfair the world is because its not supposed to let you fall on your rump. Now I know without a doubt that every fall is an opportunity to shine. Right now I am shining, black and blue but shinning none the less.


There is plenty of argument about the legitimacy of Disney's Pocahontas. Though historically quite inaccurate the story just beneath the inaccuracy tells a tale of savage behaviour and self righteousness. With each side thinking that the other is the savage, it brings up a topic for the ages. Each side is completely correct. No matter what your ethnic background you are the product of superstition, hatred and savagery, we humans have relied on this behaviour in order to evolve.

In Pocahontas' time the natives of the Americas were the “savages” and before that it was the Gauls of France and the Turks and the Huns. We humans have a long history with this sort of assumption, we always assume the place of Us against Them. Years after Pocahontas it was the African slaves then the Chinese, the Jews, the Nazi's, Communists and most recently the Muslim community. As long as we continue to hold an Us and Them mentality we will always assume that They are savages and We are righteous.

No matter what our differences are, I have come to realize that we are all savage, I don't mean individually, but humanity as a race is capable of great destruction, all races. We see our differences as liabilities and not the treasure that they are. We become blinded by the “but they started it” mentality and lose sight of the humanity behind the strangers eyes.

Peace begins with one act, Pocahontas throws her self in front of the blade to protect John Smith, Martin Luther King Jr holds rally's and the “enemy” joins in, links arms and peacefully say this human is worth respect. It is always the actions of love, not hate that moves mountains and brings about change.

This is my calling to the next “Savage” to come about, and I am not just talking about the global savages, I mean the ones a little closer to home, the ones in traffic, the ones at the office, the ones who grace the pages of news papers. I will not fight you with hatred; I will not fight you at all because deep in my heart I am sure of one thing; peace begins with me. And by ME I mean all of us.

There is no more savage an act than the act of feeling superior.

Monday, October 11, 2010



What's The Story:
Captain John Smith sails to America under the rule of governor Radcliff to find gold, while the natives were scouting out the strange visitors, the visitors panic and start shooting. Several misunderstandings occur between the two peoples as John and Pocahontas try to understand each others customs. A native dies and John is set to die but Pocahontas saves him by putting herself in front of the axe.

Memorable Quote:

Grandmother Willow: Sometimes the right path isn't the easiest.

Just because you don't understand the way someone lives doesn't mean that they are savages.
Listening to nature can guide you. Sometimes the right path isn't the easiest.

Main Challenges:
Listen to nature and try to follow it.
Go talk to a willow tree


Adventurous, brave, honourable, kind,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Real Magic of Arthur

The legend of King Arthur has lasted over a thousand years, in its time it would have been a beacon of hope for the peasants and even nobility. The thought of world peace and harmonious kingdoms ruled by a kind and just king is at the very least alluring.

Why the tales of Arthur stick to this day is that within each of us we still hope for world peace, though many are convinced that some supernatural power, alien, magic, some religious entity are required to resolve wars, strife and crimes.

The real magic is not supernatural it just requires us to see what is already here. Compassion, understanding and love is not supernatural. There is peace on earth , far more peace than there is war, far more people love one another than hate.

Each one of us is the Merlin with the power to pull peace, happiness and greatness from the woodwork. Merlin asks Arthur to use his imagination to make the magic work. The imagination is where the magic is and we all have it, the problem is that we use it for the negative instead of the positive. Think about the last time you worried about something, were you looking on the bright side or like most people fearing the worst?

The reason why kids are so happy is because they use their imaginations to think up an amazing future for themselves and for their world. What happens when they get older is that they are told, repeatedly that the world is a terrible place and that life is hard. We suck the magic right out of children, right out of humanity by believing that the magic of hope is useless. Today, I am here to take it back. Here's hoping to a brighter future shared by all.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'll Choose My Own Key To Sing In, Thank You

I am well aware of my limitations, each week I test them. I found that singing, though I do it often, is not really my forte. I can sing a baby to sleep and entertain myself but I am no performer. If in the future I get hired to sing, let me assure you that it will be for comedic reasons. Dance is more my thing, I do it often, and everywhere.

The problem with me is that no matter what I do it seems like someone out there is trying to out do me, or they can do it too. Perhaps its the fact that I'm the youngest in my family, or the fact that for the first 12 years of my life I couldn't read or write. I was that annoying kid in your class that read like the most painfully long versions of words like “the” and “celebrate” often mispronouncing them as I attempted to decode what my peers had easily mastered years ago. I have always felt less than, inferior.

Anything I could do they could do better. Here's my deep dark secret, I don't like to fail, or look stupid, again, its a my history thing. When I do sing, its usually to myself or around people who don't care if I go a little off key. I sing for my own pleasure not for the pleasure of others. This got me to thinking about all the things we hide from the world. Why is it that if we don't sing like a megastar that we don't sing at all?

Singing is all about joy, its about expressing what's in your heart, so why are we so afraid to do it? Why do I become ashamed of the fact that I am no Beyonce? Why are we so afraid to fail? I have spent most of my life being criticized in one way or another (Remember baby of the family and dyslexic) so you would think that I would be used to it by now.

With all the experiences that I have had in my life you would think that I would know better than to listen to the criticism, but I am only human. There is always a little voice in my head that says, shut up, don't sing, don't dance, and for cripes sake stop grinning like a fool. That voice is the voice of a thousand nay sayers, we all have a voice like that some louder than others. I am grateful for one thing, no matter what that voice says, there's an even louder voice that says, you can do it.

Nothing shuts up a little voice like singing, dancing and grinning like a fool. Tunes on, check, hips swaying look out world I'm about to rock!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Make Mine Music

What's The Story:
Collaboration of short stories and animation set to music. Including the classic Peter and the Wolf.

Memorable Quote:
Narrator: (Peter and the wolf): Imagination is a wonderful thing but sometimes it can run away with you

Listen to the rhythms of life.
When you get a chance take it.
Don't go searching for trouble because it will find you.
Don't assume you know the truth of a situation until you have fully investigated it.

Main Challenges:
Get Artistic
Wear some different hats

Flowing, playful, goofy, graceful, imaginative,


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Swing on This

One of my challenges this week was to swing from something, since there are few vines to swing from I figured that the closest I could come would be the monkey bars at the school near my house. A few things you should know about me first off I have quite skinny arms. I am no powerhouse when it comes to upper body strength. Plus my arms are quite long or as they have been affectionately referred to as my monkey arms.

From the time I was young I would often watch my peers swing with ease through the jungles of the school yard, I was lacking in this talent. Just so you know, I have not acquired new skills in the swinging department. Let me take you though the ordeal:

Standing on the platform, my head, because I am not a child, is almost parallel to the monkey bars. I reach up or rather across and hold on to the bar, knees bent (so not to touch the ground) I put my weight on my arm while reaching out to the next bar. I dangle for a moment. “Okay, small children can do this, surely I can.” I swing my weight over and no.

You're picturing it aren't you? A full grown adult trying her darnedest not to fall on her butt, while dangling in a school yard. I suppose I could practice on a daily basis to swing from rope to rope like Tarzan, but I see no point, since I live in a city, in Canada and swinging from pine tree to pine tree would be quite painful.

Tarzan teaches that with dogged determination and practice you can become king of the jungle. I may not be able to swing from one monkey bar to the next but I do know the value of practice, and determination. Its not enough to be adequate at your job, or what you do, it is the Disney way to always strive for your personal best. The greatest challenge is always pitted against yourself. So all vine swinging aside, my true challenge is always to be the best me I can possibly be. The best part about it is that if I fall short no one will know since I am one of a kind, just like everyone else.

Monday, September 20, 2010


What's The Story:
An orphaned human baby is adopted by gorillas, and being raised wild he becomes the king of the jungle. When a group of British explorers arrives in the jungle Tarzan must decide where he belongs.

Memorable Quote:
Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see.
Kala: [puts Tarzan's hand to his chest] What do you feel?
Young Tarzan: My heart.
Kala: [puts Tarzan's head by her chest] Come here.
Young Tarzan: Your heart.
Kala: See? We're exactly the same.

Love makes us all the same
respect nature
It is not natural to be deceptive
give a man enough rope or vine and he'll hang himself
sometimes you risk it all for love

Main Challenges:
swing on a vine or swing
imitate animal noises

Curious, friendly, helpful, kind, open minded, respectful
Tarzan: curious, adaptable, intelligent, naive, mischievous, innovative, brave, protective, honourable, quick learner,
Kala: Compassionate, loving, kind,
Jane: intelligent, learned, creative, adventurous, artistic,

Learn from animals (come up with a few ways to live using animals as a lesson)

Dumbo and Aristocats Pictures

Sunday, September 19, 2010

With Faith The Size of a Peanut

Eight years ago I moved to a small city in southwestern Ontario that is known for two things, one was trains and the second one was that the worlds most famous elephant Jumbo, thanks to P.T. Barnum, was killed by one of those trains. Right now as I write this tracks are being pulled up from the ground and Jumbo is still dead, what remains is a legacy that one elephant left.

Jumbo wasn't really that special, what was special was that he had a great backer, P.T. knew how to hype, so much so that a simple African elephant (that was of an average size) was billed as the worlds largest elephant and the world went along. Jumbo the Swahili word for hiya is now associated with all things big, hotdogs, slushies, Jumbo trons. Its no surprise that Jumbo would catch the attention of the Disney studios.

Living here in St Thomas I have heard many a people make corrections about the name of Jumbo, and I quote “It's not Dumbo, it's Jumbo!” Yes, most people refer to P.T.'s elephant as the famous Dumbo but what people forget is that Dumbo is not the real name of the Disney elephant, his official name is Jumbo Jr.

Getting back to P.T. Barnum and his amazingly average elephant, the real magic behind both elephants is the unrelenting faith that someone had in them. P.T. Barnum knew how to invoke faith in crowds so much so that people looking at this average elephant believed that it was special, despite evidence to the contrary, even today people still believe that Jumbo was the world's largest elephant. The man was on to something.

125 years after Jumbo died people are still believing the hype that P.T. spewed about this elephant (and many other things) Advertisers still use the tactics that were implemented by this crafty man. I can't help but wonder what would happen if someone like P.T. took on a cause like the betterment of humanity, imagine what it would be like if he had started promoting the wonders of humanity, our limitless potential.

Imagine where we would be if we believed that we were the most spectacular beings on earth. Capable of solving world hunger! Powerful enough to bring about world peace! The most loving race on earth! The funny thing is that all those things are true about who we really are. In the end we are all little elephants waiting to be reminded that we are capable of greatness.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


What's The Story: A young circus Elephant learns to use his differences to discover his full potential.

Memorable Quote:
Kid (with big ears makes fun of Dumbo's ears): Ain't that the funniest thing you ever saw?

Timothy Mouse: The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.

sometimes our weaknesses can become our strengths. You don't have to be like everyone else to be a valuable member of society. Believe in yourself. The best revenge is success. Magic is within you.

Main Challenges:
join the circus or at least act like I have
go visit with Jumbo while clowning around

Helpful friendly, protective, hopeful

do something grand

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Cat's Meow

While watching the Aristocats sing and dance I couldn't help but think about what happens when real cats “sing” or rather yowl. Its funny but I somehow think that a group of cats singing on a fence would not illicit human toe tapping, I am certain that it would be not only under appreciated but despised.

There have been many a summer night when the peaceful slumber has been rudely interrupted by a pair of cat's mating habits. I always think of this when I hear men say how that girl is sexy like a cat, apparently they have missed these night time serenades because the whole cat mating ritual is not for human standards.

Imagine going on a date with a man where he pees on the females walls to mark his territory, nothing says “hey baby” to a cat like pee. Then comes the females part where she starts by putting her head down and her bum high while emitting the most god awful sound that any cat can emit, sexy right?

Next time you're at a bar picture it. Imagine if we humans yowled to get attention. Now that I have put that image in your head good luck getting rid of it. You're welcome.

I will admit that there is nothing in the world like a cat's purr, but I suspect that they use that purr as a mind control device. Forget weapons of mass destruction world domination can be gained by harnessing the powers of the feline purr. Just one look at the sweet deal my cat has purring his way around the street as he is fed by several houses.

If there is one thing that I have learned from cats its that you never own a cat. Its the kitty mind trick they use, roll around purr all the while not hiding the fact that you are not in charge. Cats are content just being themselves, independent, cunning and as loyal as a fish. Yet still I find myself out my front door, kitty treats in hand as I “meow.” and “here kitty kitty”. Which is code for “yes master I will do your bidding”

Are We Lost or On An Adventure

One constant theme in a lot of Disney movies is being lost or at the vary least losing sight of ones path. We live in a sort of jungle that almost insists on us getting lost. The opinions and fears of others can spin one around to the point where the way is not only lost, it seems invisible. In Disney movies someone always comes along to help you find your way, whether its animals, people or an alley cat. In real life however, other people often confuse the situation more often then not.

Periodically I get lost usually in worry or doubt, its uncomfortable, it feels awful and its probably the most unproductive thing that we humans do. I know where my path is, I actually know the compass that guides everyone's path, the compass to find everyone's path is happiness. When what you're doing brings you joy, you are on the right path.

Why do we lose sight of happiness in the first place? Sometimes I think it just makes for a better plot, but really I think we lose sight of happiness when we are surprised by life. The bumps in life, loss jobs sicknesses toilet seat controversies all these things can obscure the path. The problem is not that we get in a fog that has obscured our path, its when we forget that we were on a path in the first place that things get complicated.

Now the question becomes how do you find the path again, what would Disney do? Any princess would sing a song, as silly as it sounds she's on the right track, the first thing that you need to do is toss aside your fears, anxiety and negative emotions and find joy. Joy is always a compass. Humans think more clearly in a state of happiness then they ever do in a state of fear.

Duchess was going home after being taken from it but without being taken from her home she would have never experienced life the way she did. All journeys are journeys of self discovery. Pleasant or unpleasant, its a matter of how we look at it. Duchess though desperate to get home welcomed the experience. We often miss the best parts of life because we focus too much on getting home and not enough on the scenery.

We are journeying to that place of comfort, to express our greatest potential. Some of us will wonder the forests bumping into trees and blaming them for all their troubles but some of us, will touch every tree knowing that each tree branch stumble trip has its purpose and has the great potential to enrich our lives. I don't know exactly where my path is going to lead me but I do know that it starts with a smile, Disney taught me that and that I am on the greatest adventure there is to have; life.

Monday, September 6, 2010


What's The Story:
When Madame Adelaide Bonfamille leaves her fortune to her cat Duchess and her kittens before her loyal servant Edgar, Edgar takes it upon himself to take the cats into the country and lose them.

Memorable Quote:

Abigail Gabble: Amelia, if I walk any further, I'll get flat feet.
Amelia Gabble: Abigail, we were born with flat feet.

Things are not always what they seem
greed can get the best out of almost anyone

Main Challenges:
be a pampered kitty
practice self improvement (painting and Scales and arpeggios)

refined, inquisitive, worldly,

Practice biting and clawing

Llama's don't like their wool taken

Saturday, September 4, 2010

This Llama Can Carry A Lot

You may have noticed that I have been a little lax in writing my blog entries. Things have been tense around these parts. When I began Living Disney one of the thoughts in the back of my mind was the devastation of my city due to plant closures and this included the plant that my husband works at. I wanted to do something that brought cheer and hope to people. This past week the final notice was handed down and in a year's time my husband will be out of a job, him and a thousand more to add to the pot.

I wish that I could smile away the problems of the world but I know, no matter how magical my smile is it's magic can only go so far. My city is on the verge of change and it is my hope that the change is good, but even good changes sometimes hurt. I recall the physical pain of my adolescence not to mention the psychological pain too.

This week has been difficult, not just because of the changes but because of faith. No matter what happens in my life I have always had faith that everything was going to be alright, as Mrs Potts says “it'll all turn out in the end” Because of my cheery nature I am able to carry more burdens then perhaps others can. Instead of letting things kill me I let them be the challenge that will raise me up. Sometimes the burden is heavy and I have no clue what to do with it. Sometimes I don't have all the answers.

What I do know for certain is that nothing good ever comes from losing faith, I will persevere and in the end I will discover the finer points of humanity. I know that when you follow your bliss doorways open, impossible paths become easy streets and life becomes an adventure not a tragedy.

As any Disney fan knows Walt Disney forged against unbelievable odds, he made the impossible possible, when ever I am at my lowest I think about what he would have done in this situation. Honestly I think he would have dreamed bigger, found greater hope and ploughed his way through any obstacles that lie in his way. So I will follow my bliss where it may take me because no one ever had their dreams come true by following their fears and misery.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Emperor's New Groove

What's The Story:
The spoiled emperor Kusco is turned into a Llama and with the help of the peasant Pacha the two set out to return the Emperor home so he can reclaim his human form and his kingdom.

Memorable Quote:
Yzma: Ah, how shall I do it? Oh, I know. I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless, little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives... I'll smash it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you! Genius, I say! [knocks over bottle of poison on flower, which shrivels up and dies] Or, to save on postage, I'll just poison him with this.

Be considerate of other peoples needs before your desires.
Have fun even when you're on your way to make an evil plot
work together
Have faith in the goodness of humanity

Main Challenges:

Spit like a llama
Llama Balloon Animal

Kusco: selfish spoiled, self centred, rude, stubborn, heartless, deceitful learns to be unselfish and kind, friendly.
Pacha: kind, thoughtful, honourable, helpful, brave, resourceful, innovative, (sees positive spark in Kusco)

Do my own theme music

But I Play A Hero

My husband and I boarded a train to Toronto, dressed as Wonder Woman and Superman, the 2 hour trip was fairly uneventful. Yes there were a few questions about what the heck we were doing dressed up, but mostly people said nothing other then exalting the occasional “Wonder Woman!” or “Superman!”

When we arrived at Union Station we went to our luxury hotel, The Fairmont Royal York, which had given rates to many a Star Fleet Officer or Vampire or some sort of fantastic Anime character. Not an eyelash was batted as Superman and Wonder Woman entered the elegant foyer. A few guests stared but that is probably because they hadn't looked down the street to the massive crowd of heroes, villains and fictional characters that was forming around the Convention Centre.

Over the past few months I have grown accustomed to being stopped to take pictures, wave to strangers and generally be whatever character I happen to be dressed as. Many people stopped us asking if they could take a picture. I of course, having had several months experience with embodying different characters held my hero pose and stood still for the pictures. I believe the ordeal was a little different for my husband who despite being often untouched by the joys of make believe seemed to enjoy being photographed.

I leaned over at one point and said. “Now do you understand why I love dressing up.” He quietly smiled. Not really an answer is it. Oh well, I'll take it as a yes.

Meeting Your Hero

I stood in line to see one of my heroes, Michael Dorn, who played Worf on Star Trek: The Next Generation. As I stood in line I realized that I had watched this man for many years on The Next Gen and Deep Space Nine. I watched him develop a character with depth and complexity, that endured many to him.

I was excited and wanted to say something to him, something that he hadn't heard before. The problem is, I am a bit of a smartypants when it comes to most situations, when I get nervous one of two things tend to happen one I blurt out personal things or two I say inappropriate things that can be considered offensive by some.

So picture it, I am already dressed as Wonder Woman and what keeps on going through my mind are sarcastic little comments like (after seeing him shake a thousand hands) “Did you wash those?” I ended up not even shaking his hand. (good going) When it came time to choose my picture for him as I was looking through all the shots of him as Worf, I wanted to say “What? No I AM Weasel? No Sandman from the Santa Clause 2?” Thankfully the little voice in my head said, “Shut up Robin!”

“Choose any one that you like.” he says. I look around and see the picture of him from DS9 my favourite incarnation of Star Trek. I point to it, and smile, he flashes me a nice little smile. Much more beautiful smile with gleaming white teeth then the fake Klingon ones that he used to wear. “Whose this for?” he says. “Robin” I meekly say. “With an I or a Y?” he asks, its I damn it do I look like one of those perky Robyns? Maybe I do. “I just like the bird.” I say, brilliant, now I'm impressing him. He signs away, slides the picture to me and says “There you go sweety.” He looks me deep in the eyes with his what Tyra Banks would refer to as Smeyes (Smiling eyes) and lets face it blends me into the background of the thousands of people he had seen that day.

I have in my possession a lovely autographed picture of a man who portrayed a character that I absolutely loved. I excitedly went keyed in my phone to update my Facebook Status “Micheal Dorn called me sweaty” Send. Wait a second. Sweet is like candy sweat is like stinky. Just so you know when you write things via your phone on Facebook apparently you can't delete it. As usual, I have embarrassed myself but hey, at least it has cemented in my head what Michael Dorn actually said. I will never forget it now. But calling me Sweaty certainly makes it far more funny. Hey, he's Klingon, that would probably be more of a complement.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bolt- Superhero week

Heroic Shenanigans

I'm not going to lie to you, acting as though you are a superhero is fun. To gallantly try to come to someone's rescue is one of those things that you must experience for yourself to understand how much fun it is. I didn't want to be dressed as another dog this week, it really doesn't convey what to me, Bolt, is all about. Believing in the hero inside.

I decided that I would make this week the official Superhero week to coincide with Fan Expo, a huge convention in Toronto dedicated to Comic Books, Anime, Sci-Fi, Gaming and Horror. Throughout the week I had planned on dressing as different superheroes and parade through the Street festival (The Ironhorse Festival) and wave and smile at people . I missed one day and one costume, Supergirl, but I did dress as The Green Lantern, complete with my light up life size Green Lantern and my favourite girl, Wonder Woman.

For those of you who follow comic books, yes Disney does own Marvel, and yes technically I should have been dressed as Spider woman, the Black Widow or some other Marvel gal. I am a DC girl, though I read Spiderman, I don't feel the connection with Marvel that I do with DC. There I said it, and have completely let my proverbial pocket protector show. (Yes, I am aware that I am a geek)

Getting back to my adventures, I was clad in the delicate costume of one Diane AKA Wonder Woman's apparel hoping that I would reveal my soul rather then my dangerously unsecured ta ta's. I went forth certain that I would save the world or at least look good trying.

A Note to my readers: Some of my costumes are not as obvious as others, when I was dressed for Fantasia 2000, I had to stop and give a detailed description, I'm the ballerina from Fantasia, that was from the Steadfast Tin Soldier, which was part of a compilation of shorts that made up the musical film. It was exhausting, but dress up as Wonder Woman and no one cares why, they just seem to think that its awesome.

Who Needs a Hero?

I stopped in at the local police station all decked out in red white and blue, cape flowing behind me as I stood in classic hero stance. “I was wondering if you need my assistance?” I quarried. Heads cocked in confusion. I go into my song and dance routine “Yes I am living my life Disney...” They smile give a little chuckle so I lean over and say “I take that as a no?” Oh well, perhaps they don't see what a wonderful hero I make.

Sometimes I wonder if all we really need in life to stop crime is smiles, laughter and to be so full of joy that the thought of crime eludes us. I mean its difficult to hatch evil plans when your laughing, unless, of course, that laughter is maniacal. In which case all plots are guaranteed to be evil.

Moving on, I visited all my regular places and greeted the people who needed to be greeted, and every so often I was greeted with a “Wonder Woman!” a thumbs up or cheers and honks. The next day I would dress as one of my favourite characters the Green Lantern. I don't know if its the lantern, or the ring that one can use their will power to make constructs of green light that kick butt, I am a girl and we do like to accessorize.

A little tip about dressing in any costume: If you have a heavy costume, you will become tired when walking with a say, 5lb cool Green Lantern that lights up when you touch it with your ring. My day of being the Green Lantern was cut short by my weak girly arms that turned to jello after carrying a heavy object for 3 hours. The next day I had to use my superpower of cleaning up my incredibly messy house, superheroes don't come with maids, unfortunately.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010


What's The Story:
The canine star of a fictional sci-fi/action show that believes his powers are real embarks on a cross country trek to save his co-star from a threat he believes is just as real.

Memorable Quote:
Rhino: They need a hero Bolt, someone who, no matter what the odds, will do what's right. They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible if you're awesome!

have faith in yourself
inspire others
follow your nature
you don't have to have superpowers to be a superhero

Main Challenges:
dress up as a super hero and play like I have powers
act like a dog, stick my head out the window while in a car

Heroic, confidant, determined, innovative, Brave, relentless,

Play fetch

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quiet as a Fish

As my Challenge this week I had to lose my voice. Its interesting, how much we rely on our words. Its not that we don't see the looks from across the room or the subtle body language but without words we are often stifled. I realized today that I do talk a lot. I use both my words, my body and of course my expressions to tell a tale.

I have been told on many different occasions that I am both dramatic and animated. I hope that its meant as a complement, I do get quite involved with my words and when I tell a story I tend to get my body totally involved. I make faces, move my body and my hands seem to think that I have mastered sign language. To me using my body to talk really didn't seem like too much of a problem. When I got to about the third person who said that they thought I would have trouble with this challenge I began to wonder.

Somehow I didn't find it all that funny when people were commenting about how difficult it would be for me to not talk. I wonder, do I talk excessively? I don't think so but, then again I am biased. I know that when I am in a conversation that I add to it, and sometimes I get so excited that I interrupt, I don't mean to its just I get so enthralled in a conversation that I forget my manners. I want to let the other people know, not only am I listening but I can relate.

I used the Disney magic of a whiteboard, you may think that it is cheating but I think you miss the fact that unlike Disney characters I need to explain my behaviour so I don't end up in a padded room. Not that I couldn't use the rest but I prefer to be restrained. I flapped my tail and did a sort of dolphin dance as I left each establishment, it was hard not to laugh out loud, I mean really laugh out loud not chuckle silently to myself and LOL.

My Favourite Princess

I will admit it, the Little Mermaid is my favourite movie. I have seen it so many times that I destroyed the VHS tape that I used to have of it. The first time I saw the movie I was 14, and listening to her say the words I bet you on land they understand, that they don't reprimand their daughters. Made me laugh, since I knew full well that daughters all over the world, and most likely the universe would be reprimanded I struck me funny.

Then there is my favourite Disney song. Les Poison, sung by chef Louis, René Auberjonois, who would later play my favourite shape shifting alien on Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Probably one of the most sick and twisted songs that Disney had ever featured.

Les poissons, les poissons
How I love les poissons
Love to chop and to serve little fish
First I cut off their heads
Then I pull out their bones
Ah mes oui, savez toujours delice

Les poissons, les poissons
Hee hee hee, haw haw haw
With a cleaver I hack them in two
I pull out what's inside
And I serve it up fried
Cause I love little fishes, don't you?

Here's something for tempting the palette
Prepared in the classic technique
First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
Then you slash off their skin
Give their belly a slice
Then you rub some salt in
'Cause it makes it taste nice

Zoot alors, I have missed one!

Sacre bleu, what is this?
How on earth could I miss
Such a sweet little succulent crab
Quel Domage, what a loss
Here we go, in the sauce
Now some flour I think just a dab
Now I stuff you with bread
Don't worry, 'cause you're dead!
And you're certainly lucky you are
'Cause it's gonna be hot in my big silver pot!
Tout-aloo mon poisson
Au revoir

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Little Mermaid

What's The Story:
A mermaid princess falls in love with a human prince. She turns to the sea witch and in exchange for her voice is transformed into a human. The deal is that she must kiss the prince before the sun sets on the third day, or give up her soul to the sea witch.

Memorable Quote:
Ariel:(singing) Bet'cha on land they understand, that they don't reprimand their daughters.

curiosity can lead to danger
be mindful of your duties
if you make a deal with someone you don't trust you can be sure that they will try to sabotage you.
Singing for something makes it appear?
Being in love is obvious
songs help prove points
don't sign a contract without reading it
Dogs don't trust bad people

Main Challenges:
Body Language
Comb hair with fork

Friendly, curious, adventurous

Search for treasures or make up names and functions for common things


I've never really understood superstitions. There are some things that make sense like not walking under a ladder, but most superstitions seem to come from some sort of misinformation. When I endeavoured to be superstitious I wanted to try to understand the idea behind it. Being that I am quite a logical person

I dressed myself with my shirt on inside out, this superstition of it being good luck I can only assume is a kin to telling a bride that its good luck to have it rain on your wedding day, designed to not let someone feel bad for foolishly putting on their clothes wrong. Perhaps its also good luck to trip over painted lines on the ground, in that case I am quite a lucky girl.

I pulled out my face painting kit and painted the black around my eyes so that evil spirits wouldn't enter through there. Garlic around my neck, which I must admit was a mistake since it was a hot day and its kind of hard to tell the difference between garlic and BO. Needless to say I used a lot of deodorant. I filled a pouch with salt, just in case I needed to throw it over my shoulder and away I went.

One of the many superstitions was not to step on cracks, because I wouldn't want to break my mothers back.So get a visual here. I was walking down the street with my 10 year old son as I had my shirt inside out, my eyes painted like an Egyptian, wearing garlic and salt trying not to step on a crack. Its not enough that our side walks have a lot of cracks but did I mention that there is also interlocking bricks randomly placed on our downtown sidewalks?

I have size 10 feet and these 3 sided bricks are about 5 inches wide, you do the math. I did slip and stepon a few cracks, so naturally I spun around 7 times and spit on my fingers 3 times. So what did I learn? That being superstitious is exhausting and that St Thomas has way too many interlocking bricks.


If you have been reading my blog or Facebook for the past twenty five weeks or ever met me, you may have picked up on the fact that I can be a little obsessive. Its not just the Disney project, its anything I put my mind to.

This week one of my challenges was to be obsessed with something. To be honest I could have chosen just about anything to be obsessed with cooking, balloon making, games but I decided to be practical, another one of my “annoying” habits, I decided to do juggling since I needed practice anyway.

I know its late in the week to be writing this, I wasn't lazy this week, its not laziness that ever really stops me from a task. The truth is I have been too obsessed with juggling to write about being obsessed. This is the problem with being obsessive its that it leaves little time for anything else, and if you're like me you will try to spread yourself so thin that you exhaust yourself in the process.

The good thing about being obsessed with something is that when you delve fully into something and become hyper focused on it, it tends to stick with you. Years ago I became obsessed with ancient board games, I researched them and recreated them to the point that I have at least one game from every continent. Like usual it all began with the words “I wonder...” two years, a large container and a book later and I have collected to my hearts content.

The bad thing is, no one wants to play my games, and they don't care that its a precursor to Connect Four or the real name for snakes and ladders originated in India and served as a moral lesson. I have often enthusiastically shared my obsessions with people only to get the blink, blink, that's wonderful Robin, looks. When obsessed sometimes you become blinded to other things around you.

I know how easy it is to become short sighted when I am obsessed with one thing. I also know that when you have an obsessive personality that it also comes with a touch of ADD where I may be in the middle of doing this things but look something shinny over there. So here I stand, juggling, arms sore, and yet my thoughts are a little lost in the fact that I need to learn to face paint, perhaps that will be my next obsession?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ichabod and Mr Toad

What's The Story:
Two Stories: The Story of Mr Toad who becomes obsessed with first a horse and carriage and then later a motor car which lands him into trouble.

The Story of Ichabod a school teacher from Sleepy Hollow who is greedy and superstitious. He falls for the rich farmers daughter and competes with a local boy for her hand but is scared off by the legend of the headless horseman.

Memorable Quote:
Narrator (Ichabod): Who's that walking down the street? Are those shovels, or are they feet?

Narrator (Mr Toad): News of Toad's disgrace rocked the nation. It seemed the courts were trying to make an example of him. Of course, his friends tried to help, but they were blocked at every turn. Why, they must have reopened the case a dozen times. They appealed to this court, that court, any court, but the decision stood: the case of J. Thaddeus Toad was closed.

Being too obsessed with something can lead to trouble.
When you misbehave all the time it is hard to prove your innocence when you are innocent.
Don't make your weaknesses obvious to everyone because they can be used against you.

Main Challenges:
Be obsessed by something (Juggling)
Live one day being totally superstitious (Friday the 13th)

Obsessive, greedy
Friends of Mr Toad: Understanding, helpful, logical


Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires
Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck
Step on a crack, break your mother's back (Avoid Cracks)
Ancient Egyptians believed that makeup prevented the evil one from entering your eyes.
Spit three times on your fingertips, then wave them in the air
You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle
Avoid Black cats
Crossing your fingers helps to avoid bad luck and helps a wish come true

Robin Hood Pictures



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I Aim to Please!

When I was young I went to camp, this was the first and last time I ever shot a real, sort of, bow and arrow. Yes I played around with the dinky dollar store beasts but they lack the grace and beauty and functionality of the real deal. As usual I had intentions of doing archery as my challenge. It was a good idea, however as I searched the internet for some place that had archery. I couldn't find anywhere, at least on the internet and if I wanted to invest, way too much money (to test if I liked it) I could buy expensive bows and arrows yet still have no place to shoot them.

Sometimes I just let things go, let the universe or Disney magic take over. I tell you Serendipity follows me where ever I go, the moment that I let go and stop worrying that's when things fall into my lap. I posted on facebook about how uncoordinated I am with a bow and arrow and lo and behold Wanda Taylor comes to my rescue and invited me out to her gun club at East Elgin Sportsmen's Association where every Friday in the summer they hold junior archery nights, costing $5 a family.

I joked around with Wanda about coming in wearing my costume, when she thought that was a great idea, I decided that it might be fun to show up and get a few pictures of me in costume shooting arrows. I am used to showing up at places in costume and answering a ton of questions. I can only assume that the people at the Sportsmen's Association have seen it all, because when I showed up in costume no one said a word. They referred to me as Robin Hood and nothing was said about the matter. Besides that my hair was too long to be Robin Hood's and that the real Robin Hood wouldn't need lessons, but I assure you I did.

I was given what I was told was a 30lb bow, which I assume means that it had the tension of thirty pounds not that it was that heavy. I picked it up, held the grip, placed my arrow on the string, odd feather facing me, popped the arrow in place, I extended my left arm and drew back the bow with my right hand, now I understood the weight of thirty pound. Get the pinky finger out of the way, hold my right hand until it is almost touching my cheek, aim as best as I could and let go. Off goes my arrow way above my target and sails to the back of the shooting range room. Oops. I learn quickly to lower my bow.

I am impressed by how powerful such a simple contraption can be, no lights, no whistles, no bells, just the sound of air being cut through by a thin projectile. I take my second shot and it imbeds in the board, no where near the paper target but deep within the foam board. My third arrow hits the paper on the target next to the one I intended but it does show a little bit of improvement. The man in charge calls out all clear, and instructs us to get our arrows. I retrieve my first one way at the back of the room and then walk to the target and have to use force to pull it out of its deep cavity. Wow, what a powerful bit of primitive machinery. I am hooked.

There were many rules to keep safe. I only broke one for which I had to do 10 jumping jacks as conditioning. I touched the arrows before I was supposed to. Oops. I was a little too preoccupied with what I had to do to listen to the rules. I never touched them again, the kids found it funny that I had to get punished for not listening, but even adults have to obey the rules especially when using a potentially dangerous weapon.

I hit the target a few times, and my aim and form improved, I may not have known what I was doing but I looked good doing it. The gentleman decided to let me try a wooden bow, and all I have to say is that I actually had better aim with it. So in the end I have to say, I think I found a new hobby. Look out world she's got a weapon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Giving Hope

Some weeks are easier than others to write about. Its not that nothing interesting happened this week, plenty did its just that life sometimes has a way of getting in and taking up all the writing time. This week, dressed as Robin hood I walked down town and collected money for the United Way. People were more than generous as they dug deep to fish out change to help the more unfortunate people around.

I decided that I should stop by the food bank and drop off a few things as I have throughout my life had to rely on places like the food bank. What happens, I find, is that come thanksgiving and Christmas people remember to give to the poor but other times of the year, they forget.

Its easy to give money when you have it, but what do we give when we are low on funds? This was the question I asked over a year ago. We give what we have in abundance. You may have already guessed what I have in abundance, cheer, smiles, silliness, unbound joy. These are all things that are not only easy to give but make people forget what they don't have.

It was a great feeling hearing people drop money in the can. Its not the sound of money that is so delightful but the sound of hope, right now our town is in a state of need, for lack of a better term, and to hear people with very little money themselves digging around for change is a sign of hopefulness. A sign of hope should always be the most cherished of signs, it means a tomorrow and it means this too shall pass.

avandia lawsuits