Friday, April 30, 2010
I am Blaming it on the Samba
Its hard not to smile when you are doing the Samba, especially carrying silly fish shaped maracas. Nothing changes a mood like dancing. No matter how bad your day is shaking your back side is just plain fun. Sway your hips, shimmy your shoulders, get into the groove of life and you have cured what ails you.
The act of dancing open us up to the rhythms of life. Our day to day lives are a testament to how off kilter our lives are, how out of sync we are with the natural flow of life. We are so caught up in the rat race that we can no longer hear the sounds of the distant drums. The drums that beat like our hearts and sway gracefully to the sounds of the melody that is life.
Not all of us are deaf to the music of life. You see people who sway to the music, they walk almost with a dance in their step. Those are the people with big smiles on their faces and seem to exude joy. So what happens to the ones who can't hear the rhythm? You often see them with their heads hung low and their shoulders rolled forward like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. The best way to get rid of the weight of the world being on your shoulders is to shimmy those suckers until that world just pops right off and goes back in space where it belongs.
So if you are reading this and feeling a little low. Shimmy your shoulders, shake your bottom, I guarantee you smile, and so will whoever is watching you.
The act of dancing open us up to the rhythms of life. Our day to day lives are a testament to how off kilter our lives are, how out of sync we are with the natural flow of life. We are so caught up in the rat race that we can no longer hear the sounds of the distant drums. The drums that beat like our hearts and sway gracefully to the sounds of the melody that is life.
Not all of us are deaf to the music of life. You see people who sway to the music, they walk almost with a dance in their step. Those are the people with big smiles on their faces and seem to exude joy. So what happens to the ones who can't hear the rhythm? You often see them with their heads hung low and their shoulders rolled forward like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. The best way to get rid of the weight of the world being on your shoulders is to shimmy those suckers until that world just pops right off and goes back in space where it belongs.
So if you are reading this and feeling a little low. Shimmy your shoulders, shake your bottom, I guarantee you smile, and so will whoever is watching you.
Playing Dress Up
It may come as no surprise that my favourite holiday is Halloween. I love dressing up and embodying a new character every year, as its not enough to just dress a part one must also play at being whoever they are dressed as. So each week that I live my life Disney, the most exciting part is almost always dressing up. Its not so much that I am in costume, its the playing that goes with it.
I obviously get asked often what I am doing and why I am doing it. Sometimes its tiring to answer especially when the person asking obviously doesn't approve. This week a gaggle of men were gathered in front of a tattoo parlour. A place where I have seen purple, pink and or technicolour hair and piercings so extensive that a drink of water is surly to cause some sort of leak. I smile and nod, accepting of peoples choices in attire, piercing and tattoo choices.
One such pierced and dirty looking gentleman, asked me the normal question “Why the hell are you dressed up like that?” I explained. Living my life Disney trying to bring joy and smiles to peoples faces. My version of what I said was distinctly different from what he explained to his friend who didn't quite hear what I said.
“She's living Disney and embarrasses herself to make people laugh at her.” he explained.
“I'm not embarrassed. Why would I be?” I interrupted. “I would be embarrassed if I were you. Walking around wearing those stupid costumes.” he said with a sneer on his face, everyone's a critic. “There's nothing embarrassing about being happy.” I said with a smile and Sambaed on my way.
If someone wants to be miserable I can not force them to be happy, but I can give them something to laugh about. I am willing to be a clown for them, but really I am trying to prove that life is fun, that the joy and idealism of Disney isn't so far fetched that its unobtainable. You too can be this happy, its a matter of having faith that everything will work out and seeing the boundless joy that life has to offer. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe, just maybe I have stumbled on to a divine truth. Life is good.
I obviously get asked often what I am doing and why I am doing it. Sometimes its tiring to answer especially when the person asking obviously doesn't approve. This week a gaggle of men were gathered in front of a tattoo parlour. A place where I have seen purple, pink and or technicolour hair and piercings so extensive that a drink of water is surly to cause some sort of leak. I smile and nod, accepting of peoples choices in attire, piercing and tattoo choices.
One such pierced and dirty looking gentleman, asked me the normal question “Why the hell are you dressed up like that?” I explained. Living my life Disney trying to bring joy and smiles to peoples faces. My version of what I said was distinctly different from what he explained to his friend who didn't quite hear what I said.
“She's living Disney and embarrasses herself to make people laugh at her.” he explained.
“I'm not embarrassed. Why would I be?” I interrupted. “I would be embarrassed if I were you. Walking around wearing those stupid costumes.” he said with a sneer on his face, everyone's a critic. “There's nothing embarrassing about being happy.” I said with a smile and Sambaed on my way.
If someone wants to be miserable I can not force them to be happy, but I can give them something to laugh about. I am willing to be a clown for them, but really I am trying to prove that life is fun, that the joy and idealism of Disney isn't so far fetched that its unobtainable. You too can be this happy, its a matter of having faith that everything will work out and seeing the boundless joy that life has to offer. Maybe I am crazy, or maybe, just maybe I have stumbled on to a divine truth. Life is good.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Melody Time - April 25
What's The Story: A compilation of seven short cartoons set to music.
Once upon a Winters time- a story of young lovers skating
Bumble Boogie- Jazz musical and animated interpretation of flight of the bumblebee
Johnny Appleseed- the story of a boy who went across the US planting apple trees
Little Toot- a little tug boat learns when it is not appropriate to play and when it is.
Trees- a musical and animated version of the Poem by the same name
Blame it on the Samba- Donald learns to Samba
Pecos Bill- the story of why coyotes howl.
Memorable Quote:
Johnny's Angel: You've got faith and courage and a level head.
Showing off can get you in trouble
Sometimes you have to be brave enough to follow your heart.
There is a time for fun and a time for work
Appreciate nature
Dancing can bring you joy
Main Challenges:
Plant a tree
Learn the Samba
playful, loving, fun, adventurous, flowing and peaceful.
Howl at the moon
Once upon a Winters time- a story of young lovers skating
Bumble Boogie- Jazz musical and animated interpretation of flight of the bumblebee
Johnny Appleseed- the story of a boy who went across the US planting apple trees
Little Toot- a little tug boat learns when it is not appropriate to play and when it is.
Trees- a musical and animated version of the Poem by the same name
Blame it on the Samba- Donald learns to Samba
Pecos Bill- the story of why coyotes howl.
Memorable Quote:
Johnny's Angel: You've got faith and courage and a level head.
Showing off can get you in trouble
Sometimes you have to be brave enough to follow your heart.
There is a time for fun and a time for work
Appreciate nature
Dancing can bring you joy
Main Challenges:
Plant a tree
Learn the Samba
playful, loving, fun, adventurous, flowing and peaceful.
Howl at the moon
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Its a Good Day (April 20 Bambi)
Today I received the most valuable gift I think I have ever received validation that I am on the right path. For the past five or so years I have seen a woman walking down the street I noticed that she looked miserable so over the years I have smiled at her as brightly as possible trying to infect her with a little bit of my sunshine, but it has always been met with a cold stare of “what do you have to be so happy about.”
Today dressed as Bambi, adult version with antlers and a black little nose. I made my way down the main street of my city as I always do. I passed the usual people I pass, curious faces, inquisitive questions and some, not many stares of who's this nut case in the costume looks. Bringing smiles to people is one of the most magical things you can do, it gives hope that that smile will turn into joy.
To me a smile is a piece of heaven, a beacon that calls out to the world and says heaven is here on earth. So when I saw the grumpy smile deficient woman I took a breath and smiled from the inside out. I don't know what it was, my smile, the antlers but something came over her and she smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. As I passed by her I even let out a little cocky sports play “Yes!” I won!
There is no way I can stop now, as silly as it sounds my work is too important. Its time the world learns to play and have fun. Its time that joy is our first reaction, its time we become what we were meant to become, brilliant beings of light.
Today dressed as Bambi, adult version with antlers and a black little nose. I made my way down the main street of my city as I always do. I passed the usual people I pass, curious faces, inquisitive questions and some, not many stares of who's this nut case in the costume looks. Bringing smiles to people is one of the most magical things you can do, it gives hope that that smile will turn into joy.
To me a smile is a piece of heaven, a beacon that calls out to the world and says heaven is here on earth. So when I saw the grumpy smile deficient woman I took a breath and smiled from the inside out. I don't know what it was, my smile, the antlers but something came over her and she smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. As I passed by her I even let out a little cocky sports play “Yes!” I won!
There is no way I can stop now, as silly as it sounds my work is too important. Its time the world learns to play and have fun. Its time that joy is our first reaction, its time we become what we were meant to become, brilliant beings of light.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What's The Story: The Story of a Deer prince that explores the world around him and finds the dangers that lurk in the forest.
Memorable Quote:
Thumpers Mother: Thumper what did your father say this morning?
Thumper: If you can't say somethin nice don't say nothin at all
Be cautious, do not rush into dangerous situations.
Follow the rhythms of life
If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all
Don't panic
Main Challenges:
Clean a wooded Area
Frolic in a meadow
Friendly, curious, adventurous, protective
find some environmental things to do that help animals.
Memorable Quote:
Thumpers Mother: Thumper what did your father say this morning?
Thumper: If you can't say somethin nice don't say nothin at all
Be cautious, do not rush into dangerous situations.
Follow the rhythms of life
If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all
Don't panic
Main Challenges:
Clean a wooded Area
Frolic in a meadow
Friendly, curious, adventurous, protective
find some environmental things to do that help animals.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Help ya out of a spot
101 Dalmatians is the good Samaritan movie, from the twilight bark to the brave and daring acts of Sargent Tibs. When 15 puppies go missing dogs, cats and even horses rise to the occasion. I have my doubts that animals would bond together to help save missing puppies, since dogs have had a lot of their parental obligations bred out of them. The question is what about us? How helpful are we humans when a fellow human is in trouble?
Its easy when someone is really in trouble to come to their aide, we feel useful by sending along a message or by bringing a casserole, but what about the little things? Do you open up doors for strangers? Leave change for charities? Do you smile at strangers, try to make them smile back at you? How often do we commend someone on a job well done? Sadly less often then when we complain about a job poorly done.
I say that it is high time that we stop asking ourselves what's in it for me and start asking “How can I help?” Imagine living in that world, that's the world I live in, whether it is true or not remains to be seen but revolutions have to start somewhere, why not with me?
Its easy when someone is really in trouble to come to their aide, we feel useful by sending along a message or by bringing a casserole, but what about the little things? Do you open up doors for strangers? Leave change for charities? Do you smile at strangers, try to make them smile back at you? How often do we commend someone on a job well done? Sadly less often then when we complain about a job poorly done.
I say that it is high time that we stop asking ourselves what's in it for me and start asking “How can I help?” Imagine living in that world, that's the world I live in, whether it is true or not remains to be seen but revolutions have to start somewhere, why not with me?
Things equal happiness right?
Cruella DeVille is a prime example that being rich doesn't necessarily make you happy. Cruella lacks the happiness that should come with the abundance that she has however all she sees is that she wants more. That there is not enough stuff in her life, not enough status symbols to fill her up.
She scoffs at Anita for her choice in mates because in her opinion Roger doesn't have enough money and to Cruella love doesn't fill a person up. Cruella doesn't know the value of a pet, that if she were to allow love into her life it would fill her up all she sees is the need to acquire things, rare things.
I know 101 Dalmatians is just a story and its intent was just to entertain however, the psychological implications are all there. Many of us have fallen for the name brand or exclusive or the money can buy you happiness line that marketers like to tow. They say that money doesn't buy happiness but then they show people being miserable without it.
Happiness and money are not repelled by one another, however, money does not bring you happiness you have to bring it, you welcome happiness with gratitude. If you are grateful for what you have you welcome happiness with open arms. Having a new car doesn't make me happy, its the thrill of driving it but is it necessary to my happiness? No. The moment we make things the cause for happiness is the moment we become slaves to it.
She scoffs at Anita for her choice in mates because in her opinion Roger doesn't have enough money and to Cruella love doesn't fill a person up. Cruella doesn't know the value of a pet, that if she were to allow love into her life it would fill her up all she sees is the need to acquire things, rare things.
I know 101 Dalmatians is just a story and its intent was just to entertain however, the psychological implications are all there. Many of us have fallen for the name brand or exclusive or the money can buy you happiness line that marketers like to tow. They say that money doesn't buy happiness but then they show people being miserable without it.
Happiness and money are not repelled by one another, however, money does not bring you happiness you have to bring it, you welcome happiness with gratitude. If you are grateful for what you have you welcome happiness with open arms. Having a new car doesn't make me happy, its the thrill of driving it but is it necessary to my happiness? No. The moment we make things the cause for happiness is the moment we become slaves to it.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
101 Dalmatians

What's The Story:
When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by Cruella De Vil and her henchmen, the parents must find them before she uses them to make a fur coat with them.
Lessons: when a dog doesn't like someone pay attention
It is good to help others in need
trust your gut (Horace had a bad feeling about what he was about to do and allowed Jasper to talk him into it)
Don't allow someone to talk you into something that you know is wrong.
Don't underestimate your
Horace: Look, Jasper! Do you supposed they disguised themselves?
Jasper: Say, now, Horace, that's just what they did. Dogs is always paintin' themselves black!
Main Challenges:
Go tracking for animals
Send out a coded message
Minor Challenges:
Do something helpful.
Attitude: Friendly, helpful, loyal, Instinctual,
Key word: Helpful
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Behold The Power of A Kiss

Of all the things that Disney films have touched on, the strangest and quite frankly the creepiest has to be the kiss that can wake the dead. I thought long and hard about including this as a challenge, but I know that even I can't cross the line with this one. But lets imagine for a moment that I was willing to crash someones funeral. Imagine me dressed as Snow White, standing in line at some strangers funeral waiting to view the body, I lean over and pucker up. If I were to truly be authentic the kiss would have to be on the lips. Give me a moment to shudder.
Slipping into a funeral is one thing, but the kiss, that would be more than problematic. This journey has led me on a crazy ride, it has been fun and I have been enjoying the experience of living the tenants of the animated films, but my stomach and all sense of decorum would have filed their complaints to my logical mind, and despite the humour behind it, I think I will pass. The question is how much more crazy is it to kiss a dead person, a stranger, on the mouth, then to live Disney, I suppose, you can be the judge of that.
Now the question is would I have enough guts to kiss a corpse? Would I have enough guts to enter a funeral home, uninvited, walk up to the poor deceased man lying in their coffin and pucker up? The answer, is a resounding no. But imagine what the family would say? And how long I would end up in the psych ward. Thanks Disney but, lets focus on some of your more pleasant features of this movie, like trying to train animals to clean, now that is perfectly sane.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (DIsney's first film)
What's The Story: Snow White, pursued by her stepmother the jealous queen, when the queen orders her death Snow White runs away and hides in the forest with the Dwarfs. The queen finding out that Snow White was not killed by the huntsman, transforms her appearance to a kindly old woman and feeds her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.
Memorable Quote:
Snow White: I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. But you don't know what I've been through. And all because I was afraid. I'm so ashamed of the fuss I made.
When you focus on what you are afraid of it makes your fears worse.
You are the one in control of whether or not you
Be happy within your surroundings no matter what they are
Singing makes fears and troubles go away.
Beware of being too vain.
even a princess can clean
don't sweep things under the rug
Be grateful for what you have
If animals don't trust someone you should pay attention to it – animals take an instant disliking to the queen in disguise with the poisoned apple.
When you try to destroy someone else you ultimately destroy yourself
Jealousy will get you in the end.
Main Challenges:
Go Buy Apples as Snow White
Sing whenever I have a problem.
Kindness, compassion, understanding, the virtues of not being jealous, trusting nature, humble,
Minor Challenges:
Talk to animals and interpret their response.
Memorable Quote:
Snow White: I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. But you don't know what I've been through. And all because I was afraid. I'm so ashamed of the fuss I made.
When you focus on what you are afraid of it makes your fears worse.
You are the one in control of whether or not you
Be happy within your surroundings no matter what they are
Singing makes fears and troubles go away.
Beware of being too vain.
even a princess can clean
don't sweep things under the rug
Be grateful for what you have
If animals don't trust someone you should pay attention to it – animals take an instant disliking to the queen in disguise with the poisoned apple.
When you try to destroy someone else you ultimately destroy yourself
Jealousy will get you in the end.
Main Challenges:
Go Buy Apples as Snow White
Sing whenever I have a problem.
Kindness, compassion, understanding, the virtues of not being jealous, trusting nature, humble,
Minor Challenges:
Talk to animals and interpret their response.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Be Our Guest
Since Beauty and the Beast highlights food, I would like to take a moment to talk about it. Food is magic, it not only sustains our bodies but it brings about feelings of comfort and love. North America, as of late, has developed a dirty backdoor relationship with food. They assume that food is the cause of the obesity epidemic, sure some foods are problematic however I don't believe that food is the problem. I believe the problem is that we simply have lost our true enjoyment of food.
Think hard, when is the last time you really savoured a meal? Did you place it in your mouth and allow your taste buds to discover each flavour? Have you ever done that? This is what love of food is, and I LOVE food.
We neglect our taste buds, we barely ever take them out for a walk or play with them. A fun game to play with your taste buds is “Guess the flavour?” you can play it at a restaurant or when someone else has cooked something but A mix pack of Jelly Bellys is an ideal way to play this game.
A few hints to savour meals, Chopsticks for Asian food, as a rule of thumb any meal that is supposed to be eaten with chopsticks should be eaten with chopsticks, it slows you down and it forces you to taste every bite, so put that fork away. Drop the fork, when eating if you put the fork down in between bites you may actually taste what you are eating. (I say this as a former shoveller)
The reason why I chose to have a food element to this journey is that food sparks memories, feelings and ideas. I wanted to make this experience as full circle as possible and food in my opinion speaks to the primal self, the animal within that is the great equalizer, since, of course, everyone has to eat.
I hope that my Disney meals inspire others to go out and try some new recipes or at least get out to a really good restaurant and have an awe inspiring meal. A beautiful meal makes life worth while, and for this animated life, my dishes may not sing and dance but my taste buds do, its part of the reason my mouth is always smiling.
Think hard, when is the last time you really savoured a meal? Did you place it in your mouth and allow your taste buds to discover each flavour? Have you ever done that? This is what love of food is, and I LOVE food.
We neglect our taste buds, we barely ever take them out for a walk or play with them. A fun game to play with your taste buds is “Guess the flavour?” you can play it at a restaurant or when someone else has cooked something but A mix pack of Jelly Bellys is an ideal way to play this game.
A few hints to savour meals, Chopsticks for Asian food, as a rule of thumb any meal that is supposed to be eaten with chopsticks should be eaten with chopsticks, it slows you down and it forces you to taste every bite, so put that fork away. Drop the fork, when eating if you put the fork down in between bites you may actually taste what you are eating. (I say this as a former shoveller)
The reason why I chose to have a food element to this journey is that food sparks memories, feelings and ideas. I wanted to make this experience as full circle as possible and food in my opinion speaks to the primal self, the animal within that is the great equalizer, since, of course, everyone has to eat.
I hope that my Disney meals inspire others to go out and try some new recipes or at least get out to a really good restaurant and have an awe inspiring meal. A beautiful meal makes life worth while, and for this animated life, my dishes may not sing and dance but my taste buds do, its part of the reason my mouth is always smiling.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Feeding the Birds (Beauty and the Beast)
I decided to take advantage of the nice day and go for a walk with bird seed in hand. One of my mini challenges to feed the birds. Since my knee is still not quite right I decided to go to a wooded area that was not down a hill, in St Thomas that is quite a feat since it is a deceptively hilly city. I ended up walking to a grave yard, hey it was about the quietest place I could think of where birds generally like to go.
I sat down and could hear the birds chirping away. Opening up my bag of seeds and gently tossed them in the general direction of the birds did not get the reaction that I expected. In the movies this is where the birds would get curious and fly down and start pecking away. In real life the sound of the seeds hitting the ground was apparently a kin to that of a cannon going off because as soon as the seeds hit the ground the birds scattered, even the crows flew away.
After several failed attempts to feed the birds, cupping the seeds and placing them on the ground scattering them in a line like some cartoon version of hunting. Nothing worked. An egotistical woman would assume that there is something wrong with the birds, they are somehow flawed but I being perfectly grounded and centred I only thought that for a moment or two. I know that its not in a birds nature to trust people and at some point a bird will find the seeds I left and happily eat them.
Its okay I will not be sullen with despair, since I know that even the best laid plans do not need to work out. I wanted to feed the birds but instead I got the pleasure of seeing and hearing, crows, cardinals, blue jays and some robins. All in all I am reminded to flow with nature and when things don't go according to plans take a moment to look around at the unexpected gifts that nature is more than willing to share with each and everyone of its on lookers. Life is beautiful and I am alive in its beauty.
I sat down and could hear the birds chirping away. Opening up my bag of seeds and gently tossed them in the general direction of the birds did not get the reaction that I expected. In the movies this is where the birds would get curious and fly down and start pecking away. In real life the sound of the seeds hitting the ground was apparently a kin to that of a cannon going off because as soon as the seeds hit the ground the birds scattered, even the crows flew away.
After several failed attempts to feed the birds, cupping the seeds and placing them on the ground scattering them in a line like some cartoon version of hunting. Nothing worked. An egotistical woman would assume that there is something wrong with the birds, they are somehow flawed but I being perfectly grounded and centred I only thought that for a moment or two. I know that its not in a birds nature to trust people and at some point a bird will find the seeds I left and happily eat them.
Its okay I will not be sullen with despair, since I know that even the best laid plans do not need to work out. I wanted to feed the birds but instead I got the pleasure of seeing and hearing, crows, cardinals, blue jays and some robins. All in all I am reminded to flow with nature and when things don't go according to plans take a moment to look around at the unexpected gifts that nature is more than willing to share with each and everyone of its on lookers. Life is beautiful and I am alive in its beauty.
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