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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Just Ducky, How 'Bout You?

Happiness is the one thing in life that we need not put off, not for a day, an hour or even the slightest moment. Yet when I look out on the faces of my fellow man, I see so many caught up in some cranky “I hate life” not-so-merry-go-round. We sit back waiting for life to come along and make us happy. News flash folks, no one is capable of making you happy if you can not make yourself happy. YOU know yourself best, if you can't make yourself happy then NO one on this planet can possibly make you happy.

The other thing we silly humans do that just ties my little princess heart in knots is hearing the words “I'll be happy when....” Oh sure, and I suppose the cheque is in the mail as well. Sure someday we get that thing that was supposed to make us happy, but somehow it is never enough. I want to start a revolution where we just decide that we all can be happy from the inside out, to be happy for happiness sake.

Today I made a lot of people smile, but its what they did with those smiles that matters, did they spread it like a joke “You'll never guess what I saw, some nutty woman dressed as Donald Duck...” or will they just see the strange thing and think nothing else of it. Assume that I am insane or out to get something (the usual thought) Will those smiles fade and return to the thoughts of bills, lost jobs or some other hopeless thing that one can do nothing about? What I propose is that we enjoy life, after all, it is the prize at the bottom of every wish, every dream and every crossed finger.

So I am going to put forth this challenge to whoever has honoured me with reading this, it is time that we put away our adultish ways and rediscover that child we left behind climbing trees. I know if you have been following me, chances are deep inside of you lies a playful kid, screaming to get unleashed (most likely deep within the wee hours of night) We adults kid ourselves thinking that we have reached some sort of maturity that supersedes childhood, but I see that child in every adult, lurking behind a twinkle, a spark of magic. I try never to forget that childhood never really ends, it just hides behind grumpy adults who deep down inside still secretly want to swing so high that it feels like they can rocket to the moon, spin in circles till they fall down and build a blanket fort with their friends.

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