I absolutely love the Princess and the Frog. I went to see it on my birthday last year... That's December 28th for all you people who forget, anyway, I won't go on the birthday rant here, I'll save it for later. There is a moment where Tiana goes to kiss the frog and she gets close and stops to have a little gross out dance. This is totally an accurate depiction of how a woman would react to kissing a frog. This week my challenge is to catch frogs, I chose catching frogs and not kissing them because there is no way I will get my lips near it.
So I have to ask, what is it with Disney and kissing frogs, dead people even a llama. I am a hardy girl for some things, I will catch a frog, I would say no problem, but they are slippery little suckers, so I needed a net. But when it comes to putting things on, near or in my mouth, I am a girl. I don't want to kiss someone with dirty teeth, bad breath, a moustache; imagine how I would be kissing a slimy frog? I have a nice dry lizard at home, and I won't kiss him.
So on a hot sticky day, I trudged through the wooded area in a local park with my two youngest sons and went searching for frogs. Normally I would be up for getting knee deep in water looking for the slippery fellows but that day I was hot, sticky and apparently vary appealing to mosquitoes. When I happened upon a toad on the path I snatched it with the net and with the help of my son we caught a hold of him.
You know when you catch wildlife their tiny little hearts start to heave in and out of their chest like its about to explode. I asked my son to quickly take a few shots of me pretending to kiss it and I decided that a toad was close enough and it was time to go home. I'm not overly comfortable with the idea of terrorizing every woodland creature I encounter.
I wonder if my prince had been turned into a frog with a slimy exterior, or mucus as Neveen would put it, would I kiss him? I mean, for richer or poorer surly doesn't include slimy and it wouldn't fall under sickness would it? Would I take one for the team? Or would I leave him all wet and slimy in a terrarium, I suppose it depends on how nice of a frog he is to me.
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