One thing that happens in most Disney movies is the serendipitous moments, things just sort of fall into place even though they seem worlds apart. Sometimes destiny just seems to take over the whole situation, clouds part, mountains move and you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Anymore serendipity seems to follow me, but it didn't always.
Its funny how one thing can lead to another, many years ago I was a miserable cuss but as time has gone on I began to learn one of life's most important and painful, lessons. How we see the world directly effects what we see in the world, our thoughts, our attitudes towards life make up not only our inner life but our outer life. Basically the more miserable you are the more miserable life will be.
The moment I began to see the potential in the world, the world started to open doors to life's limitless treasures. Suddenly, I was happy, really happy, annoyingly happy. I became grateful for what I had and stopped worrying about what I didn't have. I truly learned that life is beautiful and meant to be enjoyed.
Its not that I didn't have issues, of course I did. I had friendships that needed to be dissolved, and there was the little thing about my Photography business. See, I once had a photography business that I mostly enjoyed, I enjoyed taking pictures, making people laugh and getting the magic moments out of people. What I didn't enjoy was the chore, the begging people to be my customer, having so many customers in one week that I couldn't think straight and then no one what so ever for months. It was always an up hill battle, and don't get me started on the back biting that can happen between photographers.
I love to take pictures, and interesting part is, the thing I liked most about it was the costumes, the silliness and being a part of people's happiness. Yes I can make beautiful pictures, but even more beautiful is the smiles. We'll get back to this later but I am sure you can see where I am heading.
The point is that when I opened up myself to the opportunities that life had to offer, life started to send some strange opportunities. I was still giving a halfhearted go of my business but my desires had changed. I wanted to be a part of the joy I wanted to show people how easy it was to be happy, and that it was a choice. I had a strange idea that I was going to spread the joy of life, through the eyes of Disney.
It was a crazy idea but one that was so right and so big that I had to do it. It was a compulsion. I needed to do it and that was that! I didn't know how exactly I was going to dress up each week and do challenges, all I knew was that I had to take the first step. So with a little faith, trust and pixy dust, O spread my arms thought of a happy thought and jumped.
Instead of kissing the ground something caught me, people who understood, people who “got it” first of whom was Dotsy who decided to sponsor me with costumes, I really couldn't do this without her, it was the best gift the universe could send! Then I was a magicians assistant, for the Amazing Corbin. Things just started to fall into place. Strangers who would see me started to uncontrollabl smile and continue smiling long past seeing me clown around.
Being a part of this Disney Love In has brought me a feeling of purpose, I am finally using all of my skills. Over these past 21 weeks I have felt like I am perpetually in the right place at the right time, I have never felt so inspired and so on track. So somewhere between Lilo and Stitch and the Rescuers Down Under, I got the opportunity to do glitter tattoos for Dotsy's Entertainment Company, which led to bouncy castles and balloon twisting and now I am learning to juggle.
How serendipitous, I had been thinking about a career change, and had run the gamut of idea's as our financial situation is on the verge of drastically changing and my photography business has, well, lost its heart. One day a few months ago I turned to my husband, after one of the many people on the street told me that the city should pay me (not gonna hold my breath on that one) I said, “I wish I could get paid to dress up and act like a fool. Let's face it I'm good at it.”
Wish granted! So last week when Dotsy (My clown boss< FYI its fun to say that your boss is a clown and mean it) When Dotsy asked me if I had thought of a name the only name that came to me was Serendipity, because that's how she was formed, out of luck, silliness and an unexpected fate. So I am pleased to present Dipity the clown, born out of Disney dust and innovation. Sometimes its just good to stretch your arms out and jump into the unknown. You never know where life is going to take you.
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