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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lasso this Lassie

Yet again I have endeavoured to learn to tie another knot, this time it was the Honda knot or better known as a lasso. Tying a lasso is the fairly easy part, roping is a whole other issue. Trick roping requires spinning and finesse that quite frankly would take me quite a long time to even begin to master. First off I do not have the proper rope, a proper rope should be cotton braided The best quality of braided cotton sash cord is needed for successful spinning; this can be obtained from most hardware stores 3/8 inch thickness and 20 feet in length.

So I tie the knot and decide to go and find some instructions on how to toss a lasso. There are two main ways, the easy way, and the hard way. Straight tossing a lasso is a matter of aiming and trying your darnedest to not only hit your target but get the open end of it to wrap around it. The other way, is spinning, which is a matter of different ropes for different tricks, but lets face it, I have only a week to get this plus I need to learn to yodel. Easy right?

You will be glad to know that after only about ten or so tries I was able to lasso my cat. A little word of caution when you try to rope a cat that is not declawed remember that you will have to unleash it. Thankfully my cat was more interested in getting outside then he was slicing me open in retaliation. I have to say to all the cow boys and girls out there who can spin ropes: How the H e double hockey sticks do you do it? I am all thumbs.

If you've ever seen a rope spinner in action it looks easy enough, but honestly just throwing a straight rope was difficult enough let alone trying to spin it. I know you are reading this thinking that it just must be my inexperience, I challenge you, yes you there, YOU the doubter who doubts my abilities. I challenge you to try to spin a rope and not end up looking like Goofy. I tip my hat to all the rope spinners, and will hereby and forever be impressed with any and all rope tricks.

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