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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brother Bear

What's The Story:
A young Inuit hunter seeks vengeance against a bear, only to be magically changed into a bear by his brother. His only chance to change back is by travelling with a bear cub to the salmon run, where his brother's magical light touches the mountain.

Memorable Quote:

Tanana: Kenai, love is the most precious of totems. It reveals itself in unexpected ways.

things become less scary when you begin to understand them
you shouldn't care what people think about your gifts
love is powerful
sometimes friendships can blossom out of tragedy

Main Challenges:
make and give out totems
talk about the most interesting thing that happened to them this year while passing a fish

Kenai: Playful, impetuous, foolish, vengeful, feels justified in his actions, selfish learns: to have fun agian, Patience, love understanding, compassion, honour, unselfish,


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rescue Me!

This week the most daring thing I think I did was to go through the holidays. This was also a landmark week for my project as I didn't dress up and walk around town since I have found that there are only so many hours in a day and when you are working full time hours that take up most of the day and night while attempting to buy Christmas presents, I felt bad, guilty and was quite upset that I couldn't find enough hours in a day.

I am left wondering, what would Disney do? Well, I know that the first opening of Disneyland was a nightmare, things were not completed but the show must go on. The problem is, I have no costume to wear, I mean how many ways can I wear mouse ears? This week was supposed to be all about rescuing and being brave but it turned into a week of rushing around trying to get my shopping done, since unlike most years, I didn't have time to shop until this week.

Most of my days have been spent at work, and trying to sneak in as much family time as I could since I am working nights. I did help someone by giving them one of my shifts at work, but other than that this week has left a lot to be desired. I am not coming apart at the seams however, I did feel like I was losing sight of my objective, to live by the tenants of Disney.

So here is the refresher, I am to Educate myself, Use my brain over brawn, Be Kind, Grateful, Forgiving, Joyful, Compassionate, Charitable, Respectful of nature. Have faith that nothing is impossible, Dream big, Be curious, Use my imagination. Sing whenever I am happy, sad, scared, angry or when I have almost any sort of feelings. Don't be afraid to be Playful, Mischievous and Silly, Above all: Love Life.

Looking back at this past week and these past 44 weeks I have accomplished all these things and more, I have been braver than ever, helped strangers discover their joyful side, I have used my imagination, some may even say that I have overused it. I have educated myself with many forms of entertainment, been a magician's assistant, walked the streets with my midriff exposed (terrifying) and above all, I have discovered exactly how to love life with arms wide open.

I leave you with the photo I have this week, me sitting under the Christmas tree wearing my present, which will be seen often throughout these winter months. Merry Christmas to all my fans and let me remind you, that you are never too small or too insignificant to make a difference in the world. Think of what impact a little mouse with a high pitched voice had on the world.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Rescuers

What's The Story: A handy mouse, and a female mouse agent of the rescue aide society go to find an orphan in trouble. The kidnappers force Penny to go down a hole to get the devils eye diamond.

Memorable Quote:
Rufus the Cat: Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.
Penny: Can't touch it or buy it, or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same making things turn out right. But whoever adopts me has to adopt teddy, too.

you're never too small to make a difference
Greed gets the best of you
have faith
Optimism, seeing beyond limitations, faith

Main Challenges:
Make stars and write wishes on them.
Do something daring

Friendly, helpful, optimistic,

Help someone in need

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Soul is Willing

Trying to be fun and fancy free while you are sick as a dog poses a difficult challenge, but I have learned over the years that no matter what challenge you face you should always try to do your best. It is not about being the best you would be if you were healthy or actually at your best, its the best you can be in whatever moment you are in. My best, was in bed taking care of my body. A little less fancy but wearing PJ's certainly feels free.

When I finally felt better I was able to go out and do my challenges, I slapped on a pair of Mickey ears painted a nose on my face , put on a hat, gloves, parka and a cape; it was cold after all. I stepped out my front door to realize that I am one really determined woman. Not only was I recovering from a nasty roll around with the flu but it was freezing, what was I thinking? I was thinking I only have 7 weeks left, I can't let down my fans or more importantly, myself.

What I really learned this week is that I don't have to be cheerful all the time, especially when I am ill or life has just sucker punched me in the gut. Happiness doesn't necessarily mean that I am a cheerleader for life. It means that for the most part I am hopeful, I can see the bigger picture, that this to shall pass. That no matter what is happening today, the feeling, the situation, the moment is impermanent and fleeting.

Say it with A Slap

So my challenge this week was to say it with a slap like Bongo the circus bear. Yes, this week I travelled around town slapping people. Okay, so it wasn't hard, I was gently taping them on the face but it was fun none the less. The thing is, as I was slapping away and saying “I appreciate you” I realized that those words have been stripped of modern society. I mean when was the last time you said that?

My challenge to you, whoever has honoured me with reading my little note about my weird and wild obsession with Disney is to tell the people in your life, I appreciate you, especially those who need it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fun and Fancy Free Picture

Fun and Fancy Free

What's The Story:
Bongo, a circus star bear who was not treated nicely dreams of living outside of the Circus. He hears the call of the wild and ends up in the forest with real bears, and must learn how to be a real bear and impress a girl bear. he finds the custom of bears to slap each other as a show of affection confusing, but learns to get along.

Mickey and the Beanstalk: Mickey Donald and Goofy accidentally plant a magic beanstalk which grows so high that it reaches the clouds, taking their house with it. The trio find a singing Harp and a giant who is not impressed.

Memorable Quote:

Jiminy Cricket: You know, you worry too much. In fact, everybody worries too much.

follow your nature
Use the skills you have
Don't worry too much

Main Challenges:
Say it with a slap (slap the people to let them know I like them, not hard)

try my hand at ventriloquism

Playful, friendly, creative,

Buy a news paper, turn to the world news and try to find the silver lining in each story.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh- picture

In the Moment

My first introduction to Disney, like many of my peers, was through Winnie the Pooh. He is not just a symbol of childhood and innocence, but a symbol of simplicity. Simplicity is an attribute that we so seldom embody. When we allow ourselves to just be , instead of over thinking everything we become free.

There is something about Winnie the Pooh that reminds me of the values of being present in this life. If there is any Disney character that one should try to emulate it is the ever happy Pooh bear. I have often thought about what it was that was so comforting about pooh bear, I believe its that he holds a few invaluable traits that make a bear and a person wonderful.

First of all Pooh bear is in the moment, at all times, he gives his all and no matter what he is doing he always does his best. Pooh doesn't worry about what others think of him, he doesn't seem to worry about anything at all, except maybe honey. But even when he worries about honey he doesn't complain about it, he just thinks of a solution and acts on it, even if that action is inaction.

I would love to say that I am always in the moment like Pooh bear, but I sadly like most people spend most of my days worrying about tomorrow or next week. I wonder what would my world be like if I could just let go and be. What if I lived as though there were no tomorrow, what would I do?

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

What's The Story:
The stories of Winnie the Pooh, a stuffed bear and his friends.

Memorable Quote:

Piglet: Pooh, for a bear of very little brain, you sure are a smart one.
Winnie the Pooh: Thank you, Piglet.

always be polite
no matter what happens Pooh is always accepting of things, if he doesn't like something he just takes action instead of complaining.
Make the most out of every situation
Piglet (braver than you think you are)
No matter what your size you can do something wonderful
Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good
accept people for who they are
Sometimes when you are looking for something with intent you can't find what you were looking for, sometimes the moment you stop looking for something it comes to you.
Try not to get too carried away

Main Challenges:
Take Pooh Bear around to meet your friends (have an adventure) (maybe track something)
Bounce people

Friendly, in the moment, loving, giving, joyful, playful,

Find what Robin's do best

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stronger Than You Think

Sometimes in life we are too busy believing other people's opinions about us that we do not think to challenge it. We allow others opinions based on their observations to pigeon hole us into their version of who we are, and the worst part about it is that we believe several people's opinions of us so that who we are becomes a collection of who “they” think we are and live with the limitations that “they” set out for us.

A year ago I thought that I wasn't good with people, that I couldn't relate to them. I was convinced that I was lazy, stupid, and a whole lot of other evils that the world places on “girls like me.” For many years I allowed myself to be pigeon holed into believing myself to be unworthy of a lot of the pleasures of life.

I was unworthy of money, of friends, of love, of success in any form. I was a loser. The sad thing is, the more I know people the more I realize that most people feel this way. The biggest lie we tell ourselves and other people, is that we are unworthy. Instead of standing up and saying you're wrong I am worth it, we say, your right, I am scum. Not only do we allow others to put us in our place we develop the ability to put ourselves in our “place”.

What makes Mulan so great is that she broke through the boundaries of what other people expected of her. She became a warrior, she stood up and claimed a space she didn't even know for certain that she had, until she stood in it. We all need to do this, to step out of what people say are our limitations. Forty one weeks ago, when I looked at myself what I saw was a mountain of limitations, today, my possibilities are boundless.

Imagine what would happen if you stepped outside of your comfort zone, beyond the limits of what is deemed possible for you? Are you stronger, smarter, faster, better than you think you are? There's only one way to find out. Go get em Tiger!

avandia lawsuits