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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are We Lost or On An Adventure

One constant theme in a lot of Disney movies is being lost or at the vary least losing sight of ones path. We live in a sort of jungle that almost insists on us getting lost. The opinions and fears of others can spin one around to the point where the way is not only lost, it seems invisible. In Disney movies someone always comes along to help you find your way, whether its animals, people or an alley cat. In real life however, other people often confuse the situation more often then not.

Periodically I get lost usually in worry or doubt, its uncomfortable, it feels awful and its probably the most unproductive thing that we humans do. I know where my path is, I actually know the compass that guides everyone's path, the compass to find everyone's path is happiness. When what you're doing brings you joy, you are on the right path.

Why do we lose sight of happiness in the first place? Sometimes I think it just makes for a better plot, but really I think we lose sight of happiness when we are surprised by life. The bumps in life, loss jobs sicknesses toilet seat controversies all these things can obscure the path. The problem is not that we get in a fog that has obscured our path, its when we forget that we were on a path in the first place that things get complicated.

Now the question becomes how do you find the path again, what would Disney do? Any princess would sing a song, as silly as it sounds she's on the right track, the first thing that you need to do is toss aside your fears, anxiety and negative emotions and find joy. Joy is always a compass. Humans think more clearly in a state of happiness then they ever do in a state of fear.

Duchess was going home after being taken from it but without being taken from her home she would have never experienced life the way she did. All journeys are journeys of self discovery. Pleasant or unpleasant, its a matter of how we look at it. Duchess though desperate to get home welcomed the experience. We often miss the best parts of life because we focus too much on getting home and not enough on the scenery.

We are journeying to that place of comfort, to express our greatest potential. Some of us will wonder the forests bumping into trees and blaming them for all their troubles but some of us, will touch every tree knowing that each tree branch stumble trip has its purpose and has the great potential to enrich our lives. I don't know exactly where my path is going to lead me but I do know that it starts with a smile, Disney taught me that and that I am on the greatest adventure there is to have; life.

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