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Sunday, December 12, 2010

In the Moment

My first introduction to Disney, like many of my peers, was through Winnie the Pooh. He is not just a symbol of childhood and innocence, but a symbol of simplicity. Simplicity is an attribute that we so seldom embody. When we allow ourselves to just be , instead of over thinking everything we become free.

There is something about Winnie the Pooh that reminds me of the values of being present in this life. If there is any Disney character that one should try to emulate it is the ever happy Pooh bear. I have often thought about what it was that was so comforting about pooh bear, I believe its that he holds a few invaluable traits that make a bear and a person wonderful.

First of all Pooh bear is in the moment, at all times, he gives his all and no matter what he is doing he always does his best. Pooh doesn't worry about what others think of him, he doesn't seem to worry about anything at all, except maybe honey. But even when he worries about honey he doesn't complain about it, he just thinks of a solution and acts on it, even if that action is inaction.

I would love to say that I am always in the moment like Pooh bear, but I sadly like most people spend most of my days worrying about tomorrow or next week. I wonder what would my world be like if I could just let go and be. What if I lived as though there were no tomorrow, what would I do?

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