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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Help ya out of a spot

101 Dalmatians is the good Samaritan movie, from the twilight bark to the brave and daring acts of Sargent Tibs. When 15 puppies go missing dogs, cats and even horses rise to the occasion. I have my doubts that animals would bond together to help save missing puppies, since dogs have had a lot of their parental obligations bred out of them. The question is what about us? How helpful are we humans when a fellow human is in trouble?

Its easy when someone is really in trouble to come to their aide, we feel useful by sending along a message or by bringing a casserole, but what about the little things? Do you open up doors for strangers? Leave change for charities? Do you smile at strangers, try to make them smile back at you? How often do we commend someone on a job well done? Sadly less often then when we complain about a job poorly done.

I say that it is high time that we stop asking ourselves what's in it for me and start asking “How can I help?” Imagine living in that world, that's the world I live in, whether it is true or not remains to be seen but revolutions have to start somewhere, why not with me?

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