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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wild Dogs Can't Be Broken

There is an undertone of prejudice throughout the movie first with the tramp then later with aunt Sarah and her opinion about dogs. The old adage that you can't teach an old dog new tricks speaks of the human belief of our perceived limitations. Once upon a time I was considered beyond help, wild and untamable yet now here I write about my life spreading joy instead of the mystery that I used to spread.

In the end it is love that tames the Tramp and I suppose its the same thing that happened to me, but the love didn't come from an outside source, but from within. The moment I started to love myself was the moment that I stopped living my life on the edge of reason. It was the feeling of belonging that really tamed me, it settled me down enough that I could put down roots and feel a part of my community. I began to feel like my life had meaning and purpose.

Its not being wild itself that is the issue, its the self destructive patterns that are problematic. Its the self destructive patterns that made people assume that I would always be a wild child with little hope of being anything but, dare I say it, bad. If my potential had been locked up in peoples opinions I would most likely at this moment be on skid row somewhere or worse. Unfortunately, when people see a disaster coming they seem to always assume the worst, they never expect it when the tornado subsides right before it hits the town. This is why I always try to assume the best in people.

Domestication for the most part is great however, the problem with domestication is that some people would like to tame the wag right out of the dog's tail. They want them to behave like tame fuzzy fur babies, obedient, underlings that do as I say not as I do.

Something that I have discovered on this mouse eared quest has been that we humans are nothing but animals that have been tamed and if you want my honest opinion, of course you do, you're reading this, humans have become a little too tame, they have taken the proverbial wag out of our tails. We humans have grown disdainful of that waging happy tail and have insisted that it be chopped off at the nub.

So what happens when you take the untamed joy out of life (or the wag out of a tail)? The wildness emerges and it often emerges in not so acceptable ways. What I find intriguing is the fact that it is more socially acceptable for someone to get into a fist fight then skip down the street in an untamed bliss. I for one, have decided to release the hounds of joy on this unsuspecting public. Look out world a wild dog is on the loose and she is happy to see you!

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