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Friday, July 30, 2010

Holes in the Black Cauldron

So I will admit it, just this once. The Black Cauldron is my least favourite Disney movie. There I said it. What bothers me about the movie is that the story seems so much bigger then what the movie shows. So I did the Disney thing and researched the Black Cauldron and found that it comes from a series of 6 books called “The Chronicles of Prydain” by Lloyd Alexander. No wonder it has holes in the plot, what were they thinking?

Fantasy books to start off with are difficult to bring to the big screen, mostly because they are so descriptive, sometimes to the point where they take a page and a half to describe a piece of fruit. How do you take six books of plots and explanations of the motives for each character and put it in a short Disney animated feature? Apparently you just shove it together.

My over all issue with this movie is not the spotty animation, the muted colours, or the voice acting that could put an ADD child to sleep, my issue is that the richness of the story is missing. I want the meat and potatoes. I wonder if, in the seven years it took to make this movie whether the problem with what took so long was that the creators were busy arguing about what stayed and what went. My opinion is too much was taken out, and the plot suffered greatly in these decisions.

I have decided that I am going to look for the books, the Chronicles of Prydain, and fill in the blanks because I believe that there is more to this story then meets the eye. Perhaps I can fill the holes in this black cauldron.

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