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Friday, June 11, 2010

Its Just like a Boomerang to Leave

Sometimes I get a little too caught up in my day to day life and need to squeeze in my challenges, this week has been crazy so I have been scrambling for time to do my challenges. Spending time with an Australian lizard is no problem since my son has a bearded dragon. Talking to animals, that's kind of normal for me, and not much of a challenge except of course the fact that I don't seem to have the same rapport with animals that Disney characters do example: I tried to talk to a barking dog, reason with him but instead he just continued to bark his fool head off.

For my challenge of learning to throw a boomerang I started with buying one and asked around and did what any modern woman does when she wants to learn to do something new; I went on Youtube. I explored the internet to find out what would be the best way to throw a boomerang and have it return to me. I can easily throw a boomerang, its the act of getting it to return that makes me feel inadequate.

According to Youtube and the various other websites I researched the best way to throw a boomerang is to throw it at a 45 degree angle facing into the wind. So that it would arch and return in the wind. What a wonderful concept, it makes sense to my logical mind but this week for some reason every time I even think about tossing that darn boomerang any lick of breeze seems to suck out of the air and I am left with no return flights for my poor boomerang. If I weren't a logical woman I would think that the wind is out to sabotage my challenge.

I realize that sometimes conditions have to be perfect, sometimes we need all of life to be in alignment in order for miracles to occur. I have learned to go with the flow, its a hard lesson especially when inside my brain lies a drill Sargent that insists that life always go my way. (by the way, I have more colourful names picked out for said Sargent namely it starts with a B.) Ignoring the drill sargent I have to ask myself, so what if I can't do everything perfect, so what if I have to wait. Some of the greatest parts of this who journey is learning to just allow things to proceed however they will proceed.

I won't be undone by a lack of wind, so I picked up the boomerang and found the wind and just as I was about to throw it, the mild wind turned to a slight breeze. Just my luck? 'Alright lets do this' I thought. With a flick of my wrist I threw the boomerang and just as I suspected it sailed away with absolutely no promise of coming back.

I suppose I should be upset, but like with most challenges in life its not about perfect results, its about getting out there and trying something new. Now I have a boomerang and when the conditions are right I will try again and if it doesn't come back to me perhaps it never really did belong to me. Or was that if I love something set it free? No matter, if it doesn't come back, then I'll the adult thing and blame the boomerang.

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