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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Princess Shuffle

Sometimes I actually delude myself into believing that I am graceful. It happens, you're all dressed up in a ball gown, you're wearing a crown; those things are bound to make a woman think that she may actually be able to glide down stairs and be like butter sliding across the room. The logistics of wearing a ball gown and gliding is great on a dance floor or some other even footing.

What happens to me, what seems to always happen, is that the moment my mind thinks about how graceful I am, something happens to totally disprove that theory. Its like the universe is calling out to me. “Hey Robin, Cole Porter was right you should be a clown.” Perhaps its my big feet that should have been my first clue that grace was not my forte.

As I was gliding down the street this week, the toe of my shoe caught a tiny almost insignificant lip in the sidewalk causing my body to lurch forward hands out dress swirling in an obvious stumble. I did what any princess should do, I stuck the landing arms above my head in Mary Lou Retton style: minus the funky bowl cut hair.

Its not enough to trip, when one is going to awkwardly fumble in a big poofy dress there must always be an audience to enjoy said fumble. Of course there was a lovely assortment of people standing in a group, already curious about my crown and dress, so needless to say, I was a little embarrassed. So my arms go up in the air, I call out. “Nope, I'm good!” and I continue walking with a big silly grin on my face.

As far as I know there was only one person to see my misstep and she was doing the normal smile and head nod that says “I saw that, nice moves.” only she actually said that out loud. Really the nod would have been enough, I mean I really didn't need someone to call attention to me; as I walked downtown; in a gown, oh yeah and the crown. Never mind.

Sometimes its not about tripping and falling its about doing it with style. If there is one thing I can say about myself its that I have fallen a lot in my life, its not just about getting up again its about getting up with style. I have learned in my life that no matter how many times I have made missteps, it wouldn't be me unless I stuck the landing. Oh and jazz hands help too.

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