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Friday, June 18, 2010

To Sleep Perchance to Dream

Every once in a while I go for a walk with my ten year old son while dressed up. The fun of it is, that I get to see things through the eyes of a child. He's amazed by the attention I receive and asks a lot of questions about what is normal.

There are a few things that typically happen every time I go out, now that the weather is warmer I encounter much more people and so I get asked some form of this question “Are you going to a party?” or “What's the occasion?” Usually there are people who call out to me from cars or across the street, sometimes its just whistles or cat calls but today, it was “I love you!”and “I'll marry you!” That was different. Note to single girls apparently if you wear a princess costume it elicits proposals.

Anymore most of the reaction is positive, though there are about %5 of people who have rude comments to say, but if I see them more than once they tend to warm to my shenanigans, they expect me to be in costume and I have even overheard some of my previous opposition explaining what a strange girl like me is doing in a normal world like this.

To my ten year old son, my journey is the coolest thing that he's ever seen, he has even asked how he should live his life for a year. Its rather adorable. I have tried to explain that I am merely challenging myself using Disney as the foundation because it has a strong moral fibre and to seek out challenges is part of what helps our society evolve; obviously I get a blank stare.

There are always moments that make me remember why I am doing this; when strangers want to help me, like the ladies at the Little Red Mitten who carted out a spinning wheel for me just so I could get a shot of me being silly. When I am sitting at a little parkette and singing to a robin and it sings back to me. Yes folks, I finally got a bird to sing back to me.

Living my life Disney is not just about dressing up, or eating interesting food, or even about the challenges, its really about discovering what life has to offer. One of the greatest gifts in life is the moments when you feel the interwoven tapestry of life, when you become enlightened to the fact that we are all connected by the tiny stings of love, life and hope. I believe now more than ever that harmony and peace are attainable, but it must start within because peace begins within.

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