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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grace and Charm

Grace and Charm

There are a lot of things that are great about being a princess, the bangles and bobbles are fun but the true essence of being a princess is having grace. A great example of showing grace is when someone is being rude or mean to you that you can learn to rise above it. A princess never reacts to things she always responds. What's the difference? A reaction is an action without thought, responding weighs the situation, and in the case of a princess, the response takes compassion into consideration.

In my world all girls are Princesses and all boys are Princes. Some are fair, some tyrants, some have big kingdoms, some little, some fight dragons and some fight crusades, but each and everyone of us is of noble blood. When we look in the mirror, I believe, that we become disappointed because we forget our noble blood, we forget that we are truly meant to rule the kingdom that is our lives. We become disenchanted because we forget how enchanting life truly is.

You may not be wearing a crown or ball gown or suit of armour, but inside you there is a little girl or boy who knows the truth. It whispers it from time to time 'you are wonderful... that is, full of wonder.'

What I have to give.

I may not have been blessed with a million dollars or a store house full of food, I don't think that I have the answer to solving world hunger nor do I have a clue how to make world peace. What I have been blessed with is the ability to love and this love has brought me joy, unbounded joy that over flows my life. This is my gift to all who are willing to receive it, I give it palms open with no expectations of return. A smile, a giggle, a half hidden smirk and I become the richest woman on Earth.

I think back to a time when I was not so joyful, when my face was planted in the mud and all I could see was the dirt around me, I felt hopeless yet I learned to take baby steps to move forward no matter how small and seemingly insignificant those steps may have seemed to be. Looking back I see what a blessing that mud was, it reminds me that you can get clean from mud, that mud is only temporary, that someday I may have mud on my face, but when that happens instead of sitting in the mud cursing it, I now know a hundred and one ways to clean mud from my face.

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